Jesus is born

Our Christmas Story Continues when…

Jesus is Born

The events of the Nativity story are filled with turmoil and uncertainty. [Click to Tweet]

We continue in Luke 2 with the story of Jesus’ birth. Jesus is born in Bethlehem, fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah and Micah. But getting there was no easy task for Mary and Joseph

Jesus is bornTraveling to Bethlehem

Mary’s time to give birth was getting close. But not before a decree for a census was issued by Caesar. Joseph had to travel eighty miles to register in Bethlehem because this was where his family came from. Joseph and Mary were engaged so they traveled together.

We often airbrush this story especially when we are used to seeing the perfect images on Christmas cards. But, this was a tumultuous time filled with uncertainty for this young family. Like our lives, theirs were also chaotic. We imagine a perfect scene. Instead we discover things out of their control…


The Messy Details of the Christmas Story: [Click to Tweet This]

Mary was about 13 years old and pregnant – who would believe her story of an angel’s visit?

The ill-timed census meant they needed to travel about 80 miles to Bethlehem

There was no room for them when they arrived

Mary goes into labor – the time has come for Jesus to be born

They ended up in a smelly stable of some sort, surrounded by dirty hay and animal dung

The makeshift baby bed was a feeding trough that animals would have slobbered into

Nothing was king-like in this experience at all. Yet God was with them in their circumstances.

Mary gave birth and they wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes and placed him in the manger. I am sure the ordeal left them exhausted.

Angels All Around

An Angel appears again to announce the birth to the shepherds in the fields. The Angel calms the frightened shepherds with the news of a Savior for all people. Then a multitude of the heavenly host appears saying, glory to God in the highest.

Jesus is born

The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem to find the Messiah and told Mary and Joseph what the angel said about the child:

He is good news for all people.

He’s the Savior, Christ the Lord.

Ponder time:

God’s perfect will and timing happen as the census brings Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem in time for the baby to be born fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy 700 years before. Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah 9:20

Mary and Joseph were engaged and she was with child. Consider the stigma attached to being pregnant and not married for them in this culture. How might the Angel’s words become their anchor?

How might Mary and Joseph’s expectations have been altered when there is no room at the inn? Have you ever wondered what God is doing when things don’t go according to plan?

The shepherds received a heavenly visit with special news. How appropriate – the ones that raised the sacrificial animals were first to receive the news about the Lamb of God?

It says the shepherds hurried to see the baby and told Mary and Joseph all with the Angel had said about Jesus. And then went back praising God for what they had seen and heard. How might this be a model for us?

Jesus is born and Mary pondered and treasured up all of these things in her heart. Think about the things she would have thought about as a new mom of this special child.

Imagine the baby book entries:

How did you find out you were expecting?

First outing?

Your first visitor?

When did you first know your baby was special?

How did you choose your baby’s name?

What unusual circumstances surrounded your birth?

A copy of the birth announcement:

Jesus is born


What a story! What a Savior. Jesus is born so He could die for us. Now that’s good news.


Angel image is available at

Children’s version of the Christmas Story:

Legend of the Christmas Cookie and 40 Days with the Christmas Story:

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4 thoughts on “Jesus is Born in Bethlehem

  1. Jeanne, Your message brings the “real” understanding of the Christmas story. I believe the hub bub of registering in Bethlehem was overwhelming. People everywhere, also many must have been without a place to stay, because of Inn’s being filled up. Sadly, Mary and Joseph had gossip, accusations, judgement …….all the negativity that we can be guilty of…….
    This young couple started off their lives together with so much against them………BUT, God !!
    Love Mom

    1. Mom, you are so right. We think of this story as being some kind of perfect event – it was in God’s eyes, but far from the expectations of Mary, Joseph and those in their world. How like us! Often we expect certain things and are disappointed when all the time they are part of God’s perfect plan. Pondering a lot this season…

  2. Best thought here:That the news was first delivered to the shepherds who would be watching over the sacrificial lambs. I will be chewing on that one today. We start our Sunday morning book discussion in January with A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, so I’m stepping into a shepherd study I did a couple years ago as research for a play I wrote. Incredible stuff. Blessings this Christmas week to you and yours, Jeanne!

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