Is God’s Word Speaking to You? And Two Free Downloads

What comes to your mind when someone mentions the Bible? I’d love to know your thoughts about God’s word.
A Dusty book? Archaic message?
Where is my Bible anyway?
A message from God?
I don’t understand it.
A road map for life?
Do I need direction?
I admit, before I knew Jesus personally, I struggled reading the Bible. I tried. But it didn’t seem to make any sense. I wasn’t sure where to start…at the beginning? That didn’t work because as soon as I got to the Leviticus laws I gave up.
I knew about God. I went to church. I strived to know more. But something was missing.
What I didn’t realize, is that the Holy Spirit is the one who helps us to understand spiritual things.
The Holy Spirit is the one who helps us to understand spiritual things. Does the #BibleSpeakToday? Share on X
Jesus Promised A Helper Would Come
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would teach and help the disciples to remember everything that Jesus said (John 14:26). There was so much the disciples didn’t understand.
Like us, I guess.
Shortly after Jesus rose from the dead, He was walking with two of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. At first, they didn’t recognize Him until later when He broke bread with them. Scripture tells us that He opened their minds to understand the scriptures (Luke 24:45).
Things aren’t often clear to us right away either. The good news is, the Holy Spirit is for us too.
It’s when we encounter Jesus that we begin to understand more in God’s Word.
When I was sixteen, I realized I needed Jesus. His forgiveness. New life for my dead spirit. And, the truth about eternal life.
Getting to Heaven isn’t meant to be a 50/50 chance. God sent Jesus to die for the whole world, and those who believe in Him WILL have eternal life.
Getting to Heaven isn't meant to be a 50/50 chance. #BeAssuredOfHeaven Jesus died for the whole world. #WeHaveAChoice what to believe Share on X
Once I believed and began walking with Jesus in this new way – realizing that I couldn’t ever be good enough on my own to go to Heaven. Everything changed. For the first time, I understood that my sin took Him to the cross, and He went willingly to die in my place. I began reading His word with new eyes. So much began to make sense.
I understood that my sin sent Jesus to the cross, and He went willingly to die in my place. #JesusPerfectSacrifice #HeDiedForYou Share on X
Jesus Came So We Can Have Life And Help Us Live It
Jesus came to give us understanding, and His word was written down so we can know we have life (1 John 5:20, 1 John 5:13).
How God’s Word Spoke to Me This Week
In the Book of Acts this week, I read about Lydia in Acts 16:14. She was a savvy business woman who gathered with other women to pray. She was a worshipper of God but when she heard Paul speak about the gospel, it says: “The Lord opened her heart to respond to the words of Paul.”
I guess I was a bit like Lydia. Even though I went to church and thought I knew God, there was more I needed to understand. And like Lydia, I still want to be willing to listen because there is always more that God wants to teach me.
I have discovered that each time I open God’s word, I encounter the Living God who wants to breathe His Living Word into my life. His word teaches me what I need for today, and prepares me for what I need for tomorrow.
Each time I open #GodsWord, I encounter the #LivingGod who wants to breathe His Living Word into my life. Share on X
There is Nothing Archaic about the Bible
Hebrews 4:12 says His word is living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword. It can rightly divide the truth and motives of my heart. It is like looking in a mirror and God shows me what I need to see as I read.
I Am Reading the Book of Acts
Since the start of the pandemic and stay-at-home ruling I began reading the book of Acts. The idea of us being the church even when we can’t attend church drew me. Our world has been turned upside down. And the disciples experienced this too as they saw their hope die on a wooden cross.

I’d like to invite you join me over the next several blog posts to discover what God’s Word is saying to us in the Book of Acts?
I will share what God is showing me. And, you can add what you discover as we read each chapter together.
Here are some hints that help me to read God’s Word With My Heart:
- Ask God for help to see what He wants me to understand. (Prayer)
- Read purposefully – don’t rush, especially through familiar passages. (Read)
- Notice what makes me stop, ponder, ask questions, or make connections to what I already know. (Pause)
- Write them down.
- Add thoughts, verses that come to mind. (Connect)
- Thank God for speaking through His word. Ask Him for direction in the coming days to better understand. (Praise and Listen)
#Download Six Hints that can help you to #ReadGodsWord with your heart. Get this free download from my blog post. Share on X
I have created downloadable files for you:
Download your free PDF copies of How to Read God’s Word With Your Heart
Join me next time in Acts Chapter One…You can read it here: Acts 1
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Amazon Resources For You (Affiliate links). Henrietta C. Mears wrote a wonderful resource for studying the Bible.
Hi Jeanne,
Or have you been washing your hands so much that we can say Hy Giene?
I recently compared the voyage in Acts 27 with a similar one in Homer’s Odyssey.
Be of good cheer!
LOL…yes, Hygiene for sure. I used to work for a dentist so this was a standard joke from friends. About the Acts 27 connection…Interesting, Dave. Can you send me the link to that? Thanks for stopping in today
I love those tips at the end about how to read God’s Word with all your heart! I easily fall into the routine of simply reading without truly letting it change me. This was a great reminder!
Thanks for your thoughts, Emily. I like that it slows me down when I read. Sometimes I am preparing and taking apart a whole passage or chapter, but for my daily quiet time, I think watching for that thought that leaps off the page is what God is looking for. Getting my attention. Causing me to stop and ponder. 🙂
This is a great idea……..I, like Emily thank you for the reading tips…….I knew them before, but have not practiced reading that way for awhile. Looking forward to reading together.
Thanks, Jan. I am looking forward to hearing what you uncover in each chapter. What God is bringing to your attention. It would be great if there are a few of us that could do this together, to see different perspectives and ways that God is speaking through His word.
I love how God’s Word can be a light to our path. Each time we read it we can receive new revelation about something we have read before. This is the true compass for our lives!
Oh Barbara, this is so true. There have been times I am reading and I stop and say, ‘why did I never see this before. I have read this many times before.” That is what is so amazing about His Word being LIVING and ACTIVE. It is an organic message for today as well as tomorrow.
It’s awesome how God’s Word comes alive and can address what we are going through…even today. Thank you for sharing!
I love this too, Kelly! Powerful. And so like our good God!
Oh I love the idea of reading Acts, especially to remind us of the early church. Beautiful thoughts. I look forward to more. Thank you.
Deborah, this has drawn me in also. Glad you can join us. Thanks for stopping by
So enjoyed, as always, Ms. Jeanne. I love the idea that God’s word lives in each of us. I also believe that God can live through the words we write to honor Him when they align with what He needs someone to learn. I think that’s part of what it means to have Christ in us. Wonderful, inspiring words ma’am. I too am always amazed at how it doesn’t matter how many times I may have read a particular passage, God always brings something new to me.
J.D., He tells us that is word goes out and accomplishes what He intends. So amazing. Thanks for stopping in and I look forward to your thoughts on each chapter of Acts as we go.
Jeanne, what a wonderful post to demonstrate how God’s Word comes alive once we know Him and stop to read and study. I love the six hints you included, and I look forward to more posts from your study of Acts.
Thank you for stopping by, Jeannie. I appreciate your thoughts about His Living Word. I look forward to sharing Acts together.