in a funk

When in a Funk of Exhaustion

Read 1 Kings 18-19

in a funkI have an idea what Elijah felt like after winning that battle with the Baals, running from Jezebel, and ending up in a funk. Doing what God calls us to do can be draining, so we need to impose rest so we can regenerate our physical and spiritual batteries.

That’s where I am today.

How about you?

The good news is, the funk isn’t real – it is simply a cry for rest. Exhaustion, whether it is physical or spiritual can skew our view. Drawing the shades and giving into the fatigue is the best remedy. Seeing it as a healthy choice allows us to truly power down and relax.

Psalm 46:10 says, Be still and know that I am God. It means, cease striving.

If you find your outlook is painted gray, rest. #IAmExhausted Share on X

We are not designed to push full-tilt all the time. I need to remember that it isn’t my strength that’s needed to do God’s work, it’s God’s. It isn’t my gifts or talents. Not my power. Not me.

It is totally God.

Yes, I should know this. But once in awhile I think I need to keep working to get something done. When in reality, when God does something, He uses far less effort and time, and accomplishes more than I can ever imagine.

So, I am powering down. I am surrendering it all to Him. Rest is what I need, so that when I am needed for the next thing, I’ll be charged and ready.

in a funk

1 Kings 19:15-16, God gives Elijah direction for his next step in ministry. He will do the same for us.

Where are you at today? Are you powering up or powering down?

His Work Requires His Strength, Share on X


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4 thoughts on “In a Funk of Exhaustion

  1. Jeanne, Oh how I KNOW the feeling !! Been there, done that !! Most of it I believed was of the LORD, so how did I drain out ! But He tells us to “come to our secret place” “Be still and Know that I am GOD” “My yoke is easy, My burden is light” So obviously, many times, I wasn’t at the secret place, still, and I handled the burden. BUT, I am learning………I love my secret place, my time of stillness, and well, I do tend to juggle the burden, onto Him, back to me, onto Him, back to me. Well, I guess you get the idea. Thank you for your insight. We all tend to fill our plates a little too full. Love Mom

  2. My recent blog post talks about a similar thing. We all need to simplify,focus on what matters,and give things a rest. In society where it’s awarded to do more, be more, achieve more, taking the time to slow down is definitely not the norm. But I would rather be different and live a simple happier life.

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