God’s Always Loving You (book review & win a copy)

God’s Always Loving You – book review & chance to win a copy

After almost two years, I finally went out west to visit my grandchildren. And though I’ve been thankful for technology, Skype and Zoom haven’t satisfied my need to hug them and read stories. There’s a grandma-touch that I want to leave on them so they know I am always loving them.

The time spent with them was so special (and exhausting). We read books, went to the zoo, played pretend-office with a pretend phone and computer made from Magna-tiles. I sat on the floor playing Legos and we ate all our meals outside on the sunny deck. I loved every minute.

Now that I am home, I use every opportunity to grandmother them by sending letters, postcards, packages, and we talk…

My phone conversation with my five-year-old grandson the other day went like this…

“I miss you, Lao Lao (Mandarin for gramma).”

“I miss you too, and I am wrapping you up in a great big hug.”

“I love you, Lao Lao! (My daughter said he was hugging the phone).”

My tears spilled over…I am always loving you, little man!

Just Published: God’s Always Loving You, by Janna Matthies

As much as I love them, I know God loves them more, so when Worthy Kids asked if I would review God’s Always Loving You, I couldn’t refuse. This is such a cute board book written by Janna Matthies with sweet illustrations by Airin O’Callaghan.

Its message: God loves you no matter what and shows His love in many ways.

Check out newly published, God's Always Loving You, by Janna Matthies Share on X

If you’re like me, you look for ways to tell your little ones about God. This simple story will do just that.

Your child will discover:

God is bigger than a scary storm or worries in the night.

God hugs me when I’m sad.

God is with me when I’m lonely.

…And so much more.

It’s a perfect way to share the wonderful God who loves them. It reminds them that He is always with them to help.

Reminders to me of God’s Love

Even as an adult, I need reminders of God’s care and presence. And, God’s Always Loving You is a simple truth—He is God over my every concern (Psalm 57:2).

As I read this story, I am reminded again of Who gives me His peace, good gifts, and protection. Yep, God, that’s who!

I love the intimacy of reading to my grandchildren and what better way to do that than to curl up with a comfy blanket and this sweet book. I can share wonderful messages and stories as they drink in the wonder of knowing that their Heavenly Father is always loving them.

Would you like a chance to win a copy of God’s Always Loving You?

Leave a comment below. Do you have special memories of conversations with your grandchildren? What is one thing you want them to know? Do you need a reminder of His love today?

I will draw one winner next week (U.S. addresses only please).

You can find a copy wherever books are sold:

God’s Always Loving You

Written by Janna Matthies

Illustrated by Airin O’Callaghan

2021 Worthy Kids – Hachette Book Group

Praying that you know beyond doubt that God is always loving you!


A copy of God’s Always Loving You was provided by the publisher for my honest review.

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10 thoughts on “God’s Always Loving You (book review & win a copy)

  1. I’m so happy for you and your grandchildren that you had time together! I want my grandchildren to know that while I will fail them God never will.

  2. Hi Jeanne,
    Yes, the experience of seeing your grandchildren and physically connecting with them after a very long year is priceless! We had the opportunity to do just that on Memorial Day. Our oldest granddaughter, Kaye, reads to us virtually every Wednesday and it is so special. We never fail to let her know how much we love her and appreciate her sharing her books with us even if it’s virtual!

  3. There is nothing like touch, reading books and hugs to convey love to our grandchildren. The months of separation have brought isolation to many. Jeanne, you have found ways to circumvent when travel wasn’t an option. They will always remember the packages, notes
    and zoom meetings ! Love finds a way !

  4. Hi Jeanne,
    I think when you are read to as a child – it’s something you never forget. God has given me that special gift of caring family members who read to me. Glad you had the chance to be in person after waiting so long.  Our great-grandson will be born in a few weeks and I hope that God will give me the chance to read to him someday. Blessings!

  5. We all need the reminders that God is always loving us. Because we are kids too, His kids! This looks like a wonderful book that can encourage children to trust God’s love. I enjoy the video calls with my granddaughter too but I sure miss those hugs and can’t wait to get back to where I can feel her arms around me and I can put mine around her. When we talk she shows me what she has done at school and it is exciting to have her share with me. She bought me a bear for Mother’s Day (I don’t have it yet), that she recorded her voice on. I can’t wait to hear it.

  6. Loved this post ma’am. Thank you for giving me a big ‘ol “Heart Hug” today with this story. God’s blessings; and I’m so very glad you got to see your grandson. And excited to see they are honoring his heritage.

  7. I’m so happy you were able to hug your grandchildren. I miss that too.
    My special memory is of telling my granddaughter about God and His loving son Jesus Christ. How He died for our sins. How by our believing in Him, and accepting Him as our Savior, He will always be with us. We only need to reach out to Him. We are never truly alone.
    I know that she is not being raised in a God fearing home. I’m glad I was able to put the seed of Christ’s love in her heart before I was unable to see her again.

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