God Sees – He Doesn’t Miss A Thing – Psalm 146:7-8

God sees

In previous posts we discovered the trustworthiness of God.  And, He doesn’t miss a thing – God sees and  is aware of our need. Today we continue in Psalm 146:7-8 to discover our God of help and hope is in tune with what goes on in our world.

God seesGod Sees

Psalm 146:7

[God] Who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free.

These words are full of promise from God. The Lord sees the oppression of people and brings justice.

When we are oppressed we can feel invisible – And people think they can get away with injustice because they are unseen. But, God sees.

God gives both physical and spiritual food. And sets us free from physical, emotional and spiritual prisons.

God Doesn’t Miss a Thing! [Tweet This]

God sees every injustice as well as every spiritual kindness. And He executes both justice and reward. We may not see justice quick enough—but we can be sure it’s coming unless there is a change of heart. Thankfully, He is a God of mercy and will extend it to those who turn and offer their heart to Him.

Psalm 146:8

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; the Lord raises up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous;

We wonder why anyone would trust in mortal man and princes when we know the superlatives of the Lord… But we do. When will we recognize that the unseen God of all things is greater than the tangible power-holders of our world?

God sees

The people in our world attempt to blind us from hope. They shut God out of institutions and try to hush Him from our lives. The enemy cloaks the world in darkness and blinds the unbelieving from seeing Christ.

We suffer from both physical and spiritual blindness – God is able to give sight in both cases.

The Lord is the one who opens the eyes of the blind and gives spiritual sight to understand His Truth.

What a powerful prayer we can pray: Open their Eyes, LORD so they will SEE.  [Tweet This]

The humble in heart bows before the Lord. And it’s with bended knee that we feel our soul lifted up. He lifts the chin of those who are downcast. He champions for the needy and the oppressed.

So never fall for the mistaken notion that God doesn’t see you.  [Click to Tweet]

The Lord loves the righteous yet we cannot make ourselves so. It is when we yield, surrender, and bow down before him that He becomes our righteousness through faith. He clothes us in the righteousness of Christ in whom he loves.

We were made in his image but through sin, have lost our identity. Jesus restores that likeness through his act of love on the cross of Calvary. He is our hope of salvation – removing our sin and becoming our righteousness so we can stand before a holy God.

God Sees and Acts on Our Behalf

Our Lord is not passive – or sitting aloof as He looks upon his creation. A friend shared a term I have never heard before: Coram Deo.

He is a God of action – patient action sometimes, but He acts on our behalf. Just look at the verbs [action words] that describes what God does on our behalf in Psalm 146:

Verse 6: made, keeps

Verse 7: executes, gives, sets

Verse 8: opens, raises, loves

Verse 9: protects, supports, thwarts

Verse 10: [will] reign

No doubt about it. He is the Lord. He is involved in the lives of his people and his creation. He will bring justice in His time. And He is the One who opens spiritual eyes.

When you look at God’s action words above, which one touches your soul at this moment of your walk with Him – Which do you need?



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