God is Bigger

When circumstances seem insurmountable, it helps to know that God is bigger than my worries or fears. 2020 is not like any other year I can remember. And though my world has tumbled out of place, God is still on His throne. He sees my concerns and He promises to care for me.
But in all honesty, I can get caught up in the uncertainty. I know God is bigger, but in the every day issues, I wonder what He is up to. And the weirder things get, the more I fret about what’s next.
And let’s face it, 2020 has been weird!
My ministry looks different as every speaking event has been canceled.
I am unable to travel to see family – I miss them terribly.
The world seems to be imploding around me. News. Fake News. Politics. Unrest. Pandemic. Quarantines. Conflicting information about recovery.
Storms. Losing power four times in six weeks.
So much!
But God is Bigger Than All of These.
As I sought God in it all…this is what I wrote in my journal.
A Letter from my Heavenly Father:
O, Beloved.
Why are you worried?
Is there anything you can do?
This is out of your reach.
You are one person.
But I am, I AM.
While you toss and turn,
I work without tiring.
Though you cannot sleep,
I give my rest.
You are one person.
I AM knows best.
I know you love them.
I love them more.
If you want to help,
Surrender them to me.
For you are one person.
I AM all they need.
So whisper your prayer.
Let go of your way.
Trust Me to do it,
All in My way.
I AM all you need.
I hope it blesses you today, because God is bigger; He sees the bigger picture and will care for everything that concerns us (Psalm 57:2, Psalm 138:8).
O, #Beloved. Why are you #worried? Is there anything you can do? This is out of your reach. You are one person. But I am, I AM. Share on X
I took a little diversion this week from our study in Acts. Join me next time in Acts 9.
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If you have missed any of the posts in our Acts Bible Study series, you can catch up here:
Backlash of Power VS Roller Coaster of Truth – Acts 4
Being Filled – Truth or Lie – Acts 5
Nothing New Under the Sun – Acts 6
Telling the Truth: Stephen’s Defense – Acts 7
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Thanks, Jeanne for today’s encouraging word. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. He is everything we’re not and beyond our imaginations. It doesn’t negate our feelings or our struggles but it is a comfort to know as the old spiritual states, “He’s got the whole world in His hands!”
So true, Sheree. Thanks for the input today. He knows our struggles better than we know them ourselves. And there is always a bigger picture and outcome.
Such a blessing! Thank you for this wonderful reminder of “Who is in control” in all things my friend. God’s blessings; and I look forward to your Acts 9 lesson next week.
Thanks for stopping in, J.D. I always appreciate your encouraging comments.
Yes!! He is so much bigger! Thank you for this reminder, Jeanne.
Thanks for your comment today, Cathy. And, I need the reminder ALL THE TIME!!! 🙂
I so love you and your ability to encourage other and inspire them to continue following Jesus regardless of our circumstances!
Thanks so much for your encouraging words today, Cheyenne. And we so much need to remind one another when things are difficult, we have a God who is bigger than what we can see. It’s easy to get lost in the dimness. So shining the light for each other is essential.
This is such a timely reminder for us. Like you, I have faced some heartbreaking trials in 2020. I KNOW that God is bigger than those trials, but sometimes I still feel overwhelmed. Thank you for this gentle nudge to put me back on the right pathway. Your poem is beautiful and so comforting.
What a gift our Father has given you in this poem. I’m sharing this. Thanks so much.
Thank you, Terry. And you are welcome to share.
So good! I love your Letter from the Heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing this encouraging word.
You’re welcome, Stephanie and thank you for stopping in and sharing your comment with us.