God Heard Me! He Hears You Too

God heard me

God Heard Me! He Hears You Too

God heard meIn the middle of my crazy week, God heard me! When He answered, I wasn’t on my knees. I was shopping in TJMAXX of all places…

Hmmm, decisions, decisions…the mint green and floral romper set, or the chambray with mini white hearts? As I debated on the perfect outfit for my new granddaughter, my phone rang. Digging it out of my purse, I answered mid-ring.


“Is this Jeanne?” the male voice asked.

“Yes, it is.”

“This is Stop & Shop pharmacy. Do you still need your Covid shot?”

“Yes, I do.” My heart raced.

“Can you get here for 1:15?”

I shoved the outfits back on the rack and hurried out of the store.

In the middle of my crazy week, God heard me! When He answered, I was shopping in TJMAXX of all places. #GodHearsYou #PausingToHear Share on X


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Feeling Unheard

24-hours earlier, I poured out my heart onto my journal pages. Words like:








I haven’t seen my children or grandchildren in almost two years.

I’ve been trolling the vaccine websites multiple times a day trying to schedule, but at every turn, the message was the same: NONE AVAILABLE.

And, weariness has been my clothing for months. Weary of Covid. Weary of social distancing. And I’m sick and tired of being weary.

God heard me

Then, I heard His Word…

Be Still and Know I AM God

I know, God, I know. But in the middle of all of this chaotic brain activity, how can I be still?

My body might be still, but my brain sure wasn’t.

As I paused to ponder this question, a few thoughts flew off my pen onto my journal page.

Be still and KNOW I AM God.

Know intellectually…or do I know Him intimately?

Do I know with certainty?

I know He is God…but do I really KNOW the Great I AM?

His character, faithfulness, presence. His everlasting love. His sure foundation—the immovable rock and fortress.

He is ALL-KNOWING – Do I know that He sees it all?

Thoughts, actions, motives, and secrets. He sees both good and evil and their effect on the world. He knows my needs, no matter how small they seem.

God knows my needs, no matter how small they seem. #GodHeardMe #NeedyCry Share on X

He is ALL-POWERFUL – Do I recognize He is able to do anything?

More than I can imagine. He protects, shields, and overcomes all things because His ultimate purpose will prevail. He can orchestrate people and circumstances to accomplish His will.

He is ALWAYS PRESENT – Am I sure He is with me at every turn?

He never leaves me alone to fend for myself. His Holy Spirit dwells in me. He helps and guides me with wisdom and discernment.

After filling pages with these thoughts, I wondered if God heard me?

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Hearing Him in an Imperfect World

It sounds as though everything should be perfect in a world loved by Him. Have you thought that too?

It sounds as though everything should be perfect in a world loved by Him. Have you thought that too? #MakingSenseOfGodsLove #EasterOffering Share on X

Yet, He extends to each of us free will to choose.

To choose wrong over right. Good over evil.

To follow or reject Him.

To say yes or no to temptation.

He is patient with us—full of mercy, extending grace, but will also exact justice in His time.

He gives every person, every nation, every tribe, tongue and creed, opportunities to turn to Him. Why?

Because He doesn’t want anyone to perish without Him.

So How Does This Tie In With Easter and Passover?

The Easter and Passover story is one of salvation and redemption. Buying back something that was lost. We lost our relationship with the One who created us. Jesus came to buy us back.

We lost our relationship with the One who created us. Jesus came to buy us back. #RedeemedByTheLamb #EasterStory Share on X

Passover commemorates the deliverance of the Hebrew slaves out from Egypt with a blood sacrifice to escape the final plague: death of the firstborn. Also interesting, God heard their cries of oppression and despair. That is why he sent Moses as their deliverer.

Mankind needed both a deliverer and a perfect blood sacrifice for sin. Jesus. And we see the foreshadowing of this in the Old Testament Passover feast.

We Must Choose

Contrary to thought, God doesn’t send anyone to hell, we choose it when we reject Him. He provided the way of escape from the sin of this world through His Son, Jesus who took our place and received the punishment we deserve. By His blood, we are redeemed—bought back from the lie Satan wove over mankind in the Garden of Eden.

We will never be like God—contrary to Satan’s promise to Eve in the Garden. But we can become more like Jesus when we surrender our lives to Him. When we do, we wear the clothes of Christ’s righteousness because He has covered our sin with His blood.

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In The Middle of a Busy Universe, God Heard Me

I know…lots to process. Yet as I paused over all of this, I truly sensed His stillness. He is the God of the big things and the small stuff. He created this world for me to live in with everything I need to thrive. And He knows everything that I struggle with on a daily basis.

Even Covid and its maddening effects.

So, when my phone rang in the middle of TJMAXX, knowing Him felt a bit more certain because He knows me. And, He heard me.

God Hears You Too

God heard me
He Is Risen!

This Easter weekend is a time to think about the power that raised Jesus from the dead, giving us victory over all the burdens that the enemy throws at us:







Jesus came for one purpose. To bring peace, bridging the gap that sin created. The Great I AM is the only One worthy to redeem us and reconcile us to God. And this took Him to the cross. Death wasn’t the end. The grave is empty – the enemy defeated – Victory Won! New life is possible.

Easter is a New Beginning

As you ponder this verse in Psalm 46:10Be still [cease striving] and know I AM God. What is God saying to you today?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below…


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Booties Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay

Empty tomb Image by TC Perch from Pixabay

Mountain Image by Pexels from Pixabay

18 thoughts on “God Heard Me! He Hears You Too

  1. Oh Jeanne, I know how you have hungered for time with these grandchildren/children………Yes, GOD does hear us. Thank HIM for this Highlight in your life.

  2. I’m thankful we serve and love a Heavenly Father who cares in ways He knows “speaks” to us…like an unexpected opportunity to get a vaccination. 🙂 And this is possible all because of Jesus. Praise the Lord!

    1. Such a simple example, Cathy…that He hears our heart, knows our need, and exacts HIS timing. In those instances, we feel His care for us. Thanks for stopping by today 🙂 Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  3. Always a blessing ma’am. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God is working for us; even when we appear unaware of His presence in our lives? Another amazing insight my friend. Thank you!

  4. Oh how we continue to learn the lesson over and over again that our God is faithful! We don’t always understand His timing or purpose but His faithfulness never fails. Enjoy those grandchildren! Praise God, HE IS RISEN!

  5. Like you, Jeanne, I was thrilled to receive my Covid vaccine. It is helpful to remember that “God is the God of the big and the small.” He may not take away the trial we are suffering, but He will be with us through it. Wishing you a blessed Easter–with your family, I hope!

  6. Thanks, Jeanne!  I am overwhelmed concerning many things!  Life is full of so many uncertainties.  Your article, GOD HEARD ME! He Hears You Too, brought me peace.  I needed this!
    God bless you.
    Love, Wanda

    1. Thank you for stopping in today, Wanda. and I am glad this spoke to you amidst your uncertainties. God knows them all. Glory to His name and for His touch.

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