Giving All to Jesus – Just Play Your Drum – What will you bring?

Magi from the east brought gifts to the baby in Bethlehem. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. We think we need to bring big gifts, fancy gifts, cleaned up gifts, worthy gifts, to Jesus. Yet all he asks is to bring what we have and share it with our whole heart. What gift will you bring? Are you giving all to Jesus?

giving all to Jesus

Giving All to Jesus – Just Play Your Drum

giving all to JesusLuke tells us that wise men or Magi from the east brought gifts to the baby in Bethlehem. They followed the star – the one foretold in prophecy about the Messiah’s birth. The significance of each gift spoke volumes about His identity. They brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh, giving all to Jesus.

The meaning of the Magi’s gifts:

Gold represented kingship

Frankincense, the role of priest

Myrrh, his death and embalming

It is also said, these gifts provided for them when they fled to Egypt to escape Herod’s plot to kill all the male children under two-years-old.

Gifts – Giving All To Jesus

It’s funny the things you think about when reminiscing. This past year has been full of God’s gifts – though not tangible, they are gifts of His blessing and presence. Our Christmas was quiet because our kids weren’t able to come home, and our other family gatherings were canceled due to a snowstorm. Yet, this Christmas season is one of the sweetest ones I can remember. I feel truly blessed and content.

giving all to JesusOne of the trips down memory lane was to watch the old version of The Little Drummer Boy my husband found on YouTube. I remember watching it when I was a child, but I didn’t remember much about it except for the last scene when the shepherd boy plays his drum for the baby.

A Simple gift

We think we need to bring our cleaned up worthy gifts to Jesus... Share on X

We think we need to bring big gifts, fancy gifts, cleaned up worthy gifts, to Jesus. Yet all he asks is to bring what we have, and share it with our whole heart. For the drummer boy, it was playing his drum. For me, maybe that means my writing and teaching.

What gift will you bring Him in 2018? Share on X

What gift will you bring to Him today and in the coming year? Share your thoughts in the comment below.

May You give Jesus your whole heart in 2018,




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A bit of nostalgia from Amazon:


6 thoughts on “Giving All to Jesus – Just Play Your Drum – What will you bring?

    1. Sheree, this is something I need too. The enemy loves corners of darkness in our lives. Jesus came to shine the light and set us free….set me free. Thanks for your thoughts

  1. I’m late responding to this, but thank you for the thought that we don’t always have to bring extravagant gifts—sometimes, yes, but sometimes it can be small, daily actions, like doing laundry without a grumbling heart. So true!

    Heather Bock

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