Encourage One Another – When Stuck: Part Three


Encourage One Another in Community – When Stuck: Part Three

turtle stuck
Photo courtesy of Nancy Smith

I am writing this series because being stuck is a vulnerable place to be. Like that turtle, we use so much energy to break free without much progress. And there seems to be an epidemic of stuck everywhere. It’s difficult to get unstuck in our own strength. We need to encourage one another.

I am noticing that being stuck isn’t just about a lack of creativity, it is about languishing in our spirit.

Opportunities to Encourage One Another in Community

Recently, I led a small women’s retreat. As we delved into scripture together, it was wonderful to hear perspectives and insights and noticed things we hadn’t seen before. The result was powerful and we had some great discussions. So often, we become so familiar with a story, that we skim it instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to illuminate something new. I am so guilty of this!!

flower arrangement
Wood flowers

We also exercised our creativity muscles with fun projects. We made wood flower arrangements—so beautiful and just what my guest room needed as an accent. We also made junk journals from…well junk. We made the covers from cracker boxes. We sewed the signatures made from copy paper dyed with tea, coffee, and avocado.

creating a junk journal
Junk Journal Project

Using scraps of paper, ribbon, charms, and washi tape—together with themed paper from Etsy, we created a very unique and beautiful journal. Every time I look at it, I can’t help but smile.

Creating is a Gift from God – The Creator of All Things

Creating something beautiful is a gift endowed to us by God—the Creator of all things. And I think He smiles when His children bring beauty from raw materials. Whether you quilt, knit, crochet, weave, paint, sculpt, cook…etc., creating frees our mind, shakes loose cobwebs, and gives us a new perspective. When this is done in community, something beautiful happens as we encourage and affirm others for their work too.

This is true in the body life of the church and in our families. To spur someone along in faith while affirming their giftedness is a powerful combination for growth.

This combination is helpful when we are discouraged—and as we discover ways to climb out of the prison we feel stuck in, we can help those in our community. Because our role as the body of Christ is to equip and encourage one another. Whether we gather to discuss His word or to create something beautiful, there is a joy factor that rises with us as we band together as a body of believers.

Link Arms to Encourage One Another

friendsAll around us, we have a world that’s feeling stuck—especially post-pandemic. As a community, if we link arms and lock shields of faith to deflect the effects of discouragement, I can imagine…

Books written, missionary journeys begun, Bible studies ongoing, healing, forgiveness, and renewed joy as we use our gifts to glorify God and build one another up in Christ. 


#Community life is more than going to church. It is #BeingTheChurch and walking beside one another. Share on X

Ways to Encourage One Another

The power we have together as a community can break through times we are facing fear, confusion, and discouragement. It can be as simple as:

Gathering to have coffee.

Bring your craft projects to do together (or another activity you share).

Share an insight as you read God’s word and discuss your thoughts together (The YouVersion Bible app is great for this).

Discouragement is dispelled #InCommunity—and #WeNeedOneAnother, now more than ever! Are You #FeelingStuck Share on X

So, who do you know who needs a word of encouragement this week?

Will you send an invitation to get together for coffee, or to create something?

How can you encourage someone who is feeling depleted and ineffective?

Are you feeling stuck – how can we pray for you?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below—

Until next time,



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6 thoughts on “Encourage One Another – When Stuck: Part Three

  1. You never know when a kind smile, gentle word, or sometimes even a truck with a trailer hitch, can help lighten someone’s load. Enjoying Ms. Jeanne.

    1. So true, J.D. – it doesn’t take much to encourage someone. But it can make all the difference to them. Change someone’s oil, play tennis, drop off a meal…using our abilities and time is a huge gift.

  2. Hi Jeanne,
    Thanks for the encouraging word. It’s true we are better together. God created us to be in relationship knowing that we would need each other and “feed” each other during challenging times. Thanks be to God for the body of Christ!

  3. Thanks for the encouraging words Jeanne! I remember I was at my first job and a newly found friend invited me to a group that did craft projects and talked about the Bible. I used to Crosstitch- I haven’t in years; but I remember how that group encouraged me. I’m still friends with that lady now and I think I will thank her and encourage her! Bless you, and we miss you! Cindy

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