Dressed In Royal Robes – Esther 5 Extra Notes

royal robes

Queen Esther Dressed in Royal Robes: Chapter 5 Extra Notes

dressed in royal robesAll my life I have tried to do the right thing the right way. This perfectionism threatens to keep me from doing anything, for fear I will do it wrong. I wonder if Esther wrestled with this as she dressed in royal robes.

The law was clear:

Approach the king without a summons, and the penalty could be death.

You can read the first Chapter 5 Post Here and printable

The price was high for getting it right. I’m sure Esther heard stories of Vashti. She knew the king was quick to anger. So she called for a three-day fast.

What if she failed? She meant it when she said, “If I perish, I perish,” but perish the thought of her people being subjected to Haman’s plans. She had to get word to the king; expose the plot, no matter the cost.

Three days later, weakened by hunger, she dressed perfectly in royal robes.

Will the king extend the golden scepter and spare her life? #QueenEsther Share on X

Will the king extend the golden scepter and spare her life?

Dressed in royal robesEsther’s courage both amazes and encourages me. I long for my actions to be known by courage rather than fear. Esther shows me how to take a risk and leave the outcome to God.

Esther is referred to as queen fourteen times in this story. All but one are found after chapter five. It’s as if she suddenly stepped into her role and put on her identity—embracing her destiny. She is queen for such a time as this.

Esther is a powerful example for us. Do we embrace Christ and go about our lives defeated and powerless? God calls us to embrace our identity in Christ and to call on His power to live victoriously because of His promises. We may not be dressed in royal robes, but we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

We may not be dressed in royal robes, but we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. #QueenEsther Share on X

How Do We Step in and Put on More of Jesus?

God calls us to embrace our identity in Christ Share on X

We are chosen, loved, forgiven, and empowered to be witnesses to a world who is overshadowed by the enemy. We are indwelt by the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. And He is able to do far more than we can imagine when we call on His name. Like Esther, we live in this time and space to make a difference.

Join the conversation and share some ways you can embrace your identity in Christ:

Step into your role

Put on your identity

Embrace your destiny

What does living your life ‘for such a time as this’ look like?

What does living your life 'for such a time as this' look like? #QueenEsther Share on X



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Images courtesy of Morguefile.com

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Pinterest has some neat ideas for Esther crafts. 

Start planning now for your Purim party. The book of Esther is read during the Purim celebration. I will be sharing a recipe and my photos of Hamantaschen Cookies soon.


Amazon has costumes for Purim


And, I found this study called: The Wardrobe of Christ. I have written to the author to find out more. The reviews piqued my interest.