Digging In: Esther’s Story

Digging In

Beginning to Dig Into Esther’s Story

Digging In I’m excited you have joined us for this journey through the book of Esther. I will post on Sunday afternoon and then add a few more details on Wednesday each week. As you begin digging in to Esther’s story, here are a few nuggets to consider:

Through Esther’s story we see how to:

Listen to wise counsel

Know that our circumstances are known to God

Fast and pray during times of uncertainty and we need wisdom

Trust in God’s ways

Wait for God’s timing

Within the chapters of Esther we will see themes of:

Submission and conflict

Good and Evil

Inner and outer beauty

Pride and humility

Anger and temperance

God’s sovereignty even when God’s name is never mentioned

Patience and hastiness

As you read through the story of Esther, note these themes and see how they impact events.

How do these themes play out in your world? Have your learned something you can share with others?

Contrast the characters and take note of the similarities and differences:

Mordecai & Haman

King Xerxes & Haman

Queen Vashti & Esther

The King’s advisors & Mordecai

Other details to note:

There are ten banquets within the ten chapters of Esther.

God’s name or presence is never mentioned.

Digging in to Esther's Story: Themes, Characters, and Contrasts as we begin. Join Us! Share on X

Enjoy Digging In

As you begin your study, feel free to comment about your discoveries. If you studied this text in the past, please share your insights. I love how the Lord gives us visibility to His word as we rely on His Holy Spirit. And when we put our hearts, heads, and spirit together to discuss His word.

I hope you enjoy digging in to Esther Chapter 1.


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Image courtesy of Morguefile.com

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