Desiring God: Hubba-Hubba Love

Desiring God

Desiring GodDesiring God: Hubba-Hubba Love

This whole week was filled with candy hearts and Valentine’s Day wishes. How opportune that our conversation centered on desiring God in our Sunday school class today. A desire for more of God that tips over into hunger, thirst, and a longing to be with Him all the time. In an attempt to make it relevant, our teacher asked:

“What did you think when you first saw your spouse?”  [Tweet This]

My response was automatic. I didn’t have to think about it all. Out it came in the middle of Sunday school…

Hubba-Hubba!!Desiring God

John and I have been married for almost thirty-six years and I can still say that he causes me to think, hubba-hubba every time I see him. He is my best friend. My soul mate. My hubba-hubba love, not just on Valentine’s Day – every day.

Desiring God – A Thirst for More

This whole face-flaming moment came about as we discussed the love the Psalmist desired for God. Psalm 63 says,

“O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly;
My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You,
In a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

That word earnestly, means early. It means I will seek God FIRST. I will seek Him diligently.

Psalm 42:1-2 says,

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God?”

The root for this word: Pants means to long for. And when it says ‘my soul thirsts for God’ is is a word that means to suffer thirst. An incredible thirst longing to be satisfied.

In class we talked about the hunger of an addict. All they can think about is that ONE THING. This is the essence of this yearning we should experience for God.

This is a hubba-hubba love story – a call from the Beloved to His beloved.   [Tweet This]

The Enemy Hates Us Desiring God

The enemy of our soul would like to distract us and replace that longing for something cheap and unsatisfying. We see this happening in the world. Love is given to cheap imitations. Hunger and thirst seeks to be satiated from a cloudy well. And our worth is like a needy child scrambling for scraps.

But, when we see Jesus for Who He is we become overcome by a hubba-hubba moment that calls us to a deeper relationship – a place where we are filled rather than depleted. When our Beloved calls our name and draws us to Himself, He wraps us in pure love and grace. And, in that moment we discover what we have missed. We find what we have been longing for. And, our hubba-hubba love sets us on a path of knowing the One who knows us best.

In His embrace we will never be hungry again except for more of what He offers us. And desiring more of God provides all we hunger for…

Pure love.

Extravagant grace.

And, a place called home.

Are you thirsty for more of Him?



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The best way to fall in hubba-hubba love with God is to read His Love Letter to you:

Resources to call to you to deeper relationship:

Scriptures from NASB

4 thoughts on “Desiring God: Hubba-Hubba Love

  1. Jeanne, so happy that you wrote about this! Thank you for reminding us of the “first love” kind of love.


  2. I laughed at your “Hubba Hubba” remark, Jeanne. The Sunday school lesson brought the truth of the Lord’s love for us, but you bring to us the “earnest” love we should have for Him. He is and should be our everything, thank you for reminding us. Love Mom

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