Confident Journey Update – Making Progress


My Confident Journey Update: Am I Confident Yet?

confidentMarch is here! So I want to update you on my One Word Challenge for 2018. The Lord gave me the word CONFIDENT and I think it fits where I am in my journey today.

For a couple of years, my sense has been that there is some risk that’s lurking, trying to get me to say yes, even though I am more comfortable right where I am.

In my head, I am all about saying, YES, Lord. But in reality, I think I get very good at procrastinating – all with very good excuses, of course. So, with CONFIDENT in mind, here are a few things where I have taken confident steps.

I am all about saying, YES, Lord. But in reality, I think I get very good at procrastinating – all with very good excuses of course! Share on X

Since January I have:

  • Hired a coach – I meet with Gretchen weekly. She challenges me to identify the work God has put before me for this season. We discuss:
  1. Refining my focus
  2. Asking hard questions meant to clarify
  3. Setting goals

“Jeanne is all-in, coaching her has been an honor. She has so much to offer other women, so much love for the Lord.”

Clarity Coach Gretchen Maurer

  • I hosted a brainstorming meeting with two ladies to discuss my book project. This really helped as I prepare my book proposal.
  • I began writing the first chapter and submitted it for critique.
  • I contacted my web host when I received an invoice for my website renewal. They had me on the premium plan. With an adjustment, I was able to cut my cost in half. Facing the awful pit-of-my-stomach feeling was hard. But I am so glad I had the confidence to call them.
  • I posted three words above my desk as a reminder as I write. This suggestion came from Gretchen (my coach). When I get stuck, it’s usually because of one of these three obstacles.


These three words, DETAILS, DOUBT, AND COMPARISON, are a visible reminder for times when I get stuck and begin to doubt my ability to accomplish the tasks God has given me to do. When I get stuck in the details, struggle with doubt, or start to compare myself to others, I need to nip it right away.

My cry to God, asking Him to grow my confidence included being confident in:

His love for me

His call on my life

His leading

My decisions

I am Seeing Growth

I think I am seeing new life in these areas. Like buds in the spring. Not because of what I am doing, or who I am.

My confidence is found in Whom I belong to. When I am following Jesus and responding to the work he has set before me, I can be confident in His name. Without fear. Without condemnation. Because He is the One who gives me all I need to accomplish it.

Being confident means

resisting the effects of the shadows

and stepping boldly into the light

~ Jeanne Doyon

The Long Journey to Confidence

I know this will be a life-long journey, a marathon rather than a sprint. Confidence isn’t something that is instantaneous, nor is any #OneWord result.

How is your #OneWord journey going? Join the conversation on this topic. #Confident Share on X

So, tell me. Where are you in your #OneWord journey? Where are you seeing God at work?

Being confident means resisting the effects of the shadows and stepping boldly into the light ~ Jeanne Doyon Share on X

Do you struggle with confidence? Tell me about it in the comments below. Do you have a favorite scripture that addresses this subject? Share as well. Thanks for joining in the conversation.



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14 thoughts on “Confident Journey Update – Making Progress

  1. I am proud of the courageous way you have taken steps forward……….
    Seeing the progress is encouraging.

    My “word” for 2018, “Simplify” has had slow results, but I am chipping away at it.
    I also see the LORD using me in new capacities…..
    Thank you for your open heart

    1. Jan, Simplifying is never easy. So many memories in our possessions. So difficult to make changes surrounding our spaces and calendar. Think of all things where simplifying can matter. I think you are doing a wonderful job. God only asks for one day at a time.

  2. Hi Jeanne,
    Praise the Lord for your confident steps which have produced new fruit in your life! My “word” for 2018 is “brave.” I have taken some brave steps in joining a Barnabas Ministries group and sharing openly with my pastoral sisters. I have also joined the speakers directory for bydesign ministries opening up the opportunity to speak in other churches. It would have been easy and comfortable to stay hidden away but God wants my voice to be heard and the gifts He has given me to be used. Glory to God!

    1. So proud of your brave steps, Sheree. I can’t wait to hear how God blesses you for this obedience and opens doors of opportunity. Thanks for sharing your #OneWord journey.

  3. Psalm 121 is my go-to scripture. It is a great reminder when I need it most. God is always there to help us along no matter what the circumstance.
    Also, last year I learned that when the Lord calls me to do something out of my comfort zone, I know that He will be my help, my strength, and my protector.

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Janis. I am off to look up Psalm 121 today 🙂 I have seen God at work in your – WOW! If we can only remember that this journey is an adventure and He is our guide. What amazing things does He have in store? The day by day walk with Him will reveal His plans.

  4. Jeanne, I’m so happy for you in your quest for confidence–that’s such a brave thing to do. I love your quote: “Being confident means resisting the effects of the shadows and stepping boldly into the light.” What an awesome metaphor! I think my word is HOPE and my scripture is Isaiah 40:31. Wishing you blessings on your journey to confidence, my friend!

  5. Jeanne,
    Wow, girl! You are making some huge strides. How encouraging that you have allowed us to share in this journey. It’s so helpful to see how you are moving forward in the word “confidence.”
    My word of the year is “warrior.” Oh, goodness. I don’t want to take up too much space here, but God is at work! My YA novel, “Secrets” which is about spiritual warfare just released last month. Let’s just say I’m learning a whole new level of the word warrior.
    I love your heart for the Lord. I cannot wait to read more about what He teaching you.
    Blessings dear sister!

    1. Beckie, I’m so excited at all the things God is doing in your “warrior” series. And, WOW!! on the YA novel release. That is awesome. God is on the move! I love it

  6. I love verses in Psalms because they describe God’s character and how He helps us. They give me confidence to trust Him and do what He has called me to. Psalm 107 and 91 are my favorites. May God help you as you embark on these adventures with Him!

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