Christmas Outside the Box – Celebrating in 2020

christmas outside the box

Christmas Outside the Box – Celebrating in 2020

christmas outside the boxWith 2020 hovering like a cloud, how can we make the best of the holiday season? If you’re like me, you won’t be gathering with family. So how do we keep a positive attitude when feeling discouraged? If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s to think outside the box.

So here are a few outside-the-box ideas to consider as we celebrate:

Meet Online With Family – Zoom is a great way to meet because you can see everyone, especially larger groups. But there are plenty of options for meeting online. Facebook video calling. Google Hangout. Face Time. Duo. Zoom recently waived the 40-minute maximum for their free version on Thanksgiving Day. This might be an option for Christmas Day as well.

So whether it is a family game night, dessert night, or decorating the tree, gather with someone you love. It isn’t quite the same as being there, but it goes a long way.

Ship Gifts Directly – With the price of shipping you don’t want to ship twice. So take advantage of online shipping and their SHIP TO options. Many online retailers, like Amazon, will gift wrap, provide gift receipts, and include a personal note.

If there's one thing I've learned this year, it's to think outside the box. #Christmas2020 Share on X

Write A Letter – Sometimes the best gifts can’t be bought. A personal letter written to family and friends, telling them how much they mean to us will become a keepsake for sure. Especially during this time of uncertainty, we need to tell others how much they mean to us.

Send Photos – A picture is another treasured keepsake. Try recreating an photo by putting people in the same pose from an older shot in your album. You can also create photo books online using services like Walgreens or Shutterfly to create a one of a kind memory book. This is particularly good for loved ones who are in nursing homes or assisted living centers. I created one for my grandson a few years ago and titled it, A Visit to Lao Lao’s House (Lao Lao is grandma in Mandarin). He loved it!

Plan Online Activities – Whether you are connecting with grandchildren from across the miles, or friends who you haven’t seen, planning things online is all the rage. There are knitting groups, quilters, or a gal pal’s night out. Use your imagination and gather. It will do wonders for your mental health.

My Christmas Outside the Box Plans

My grandsons are 5, 6, and 7 years old and live out of state. Here are a few ideas we have planned:

Virtual Story Time – I ordered two copies of a Christmas book and shipped one to me, and the other to my grandsons. We plan on having story time before bed. The book is about the different legends of Christmas: St. Nicholas, The Candy Cane, and Christmas Cookies. I will also plan an activity to go with each story.

christmas outside the boxDecorate Gingerbread Houses – We bought kits to assemble and decorate together. These should be messy and fun. There are many options including kits, using pop tarts or graham crackers, or if you are up to the challenge you can make them from scratch. Search online for some great ideas.

A Tour of My Christmas Decorations – It’s a funny thing, they love seeing my house. I am in Connecticut and they are in Colorado. Two of them have never been here so it’s a novelty. But it gives them a sense of place. They see me in my environment. The youngest even likes me to show him the inside of my refrigerator.

Start Thinking Outside the Box

Share your outside-the-box ideas so that others can plan some #VirtualFun and ways to connect this Christmas. #ChristmasLooksDifferent Share on X

Your activities might be different depending on the ages of your grandchildren or people you are missing…I hope you share your outside-the-box ideas in the comments so that others can plan some virtual fun and ways to connect. Let’s make some good memories as we leave 2020 behind.

With 2020 hovering like a cloud, how can we make the best of the holiday season? #ThinkOutsidetheBox #Christmas2020 Share on X

Be sure to read my companion post on how to lessen holiday stress while being intentional about the reason for the season. Hustle on over to Barbara Latta’s website and read my guest post called, Pausing to Savor the Season or Rush and Regret.

Enjoy the season and everything it brings,



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18 thoughts on “Christmas Outside the Box – Celebrating in 2020

  1. You have great ideas “outside of the box,” Jeanne.

    As always you bring HIS touch to all…….especially our grand and great grand children. This year has been especially stressful……I think I’ll have a quiet evening with just Christmas lights……to ponder or read the Bible story of the LORD’S birth …….when you think of it their year was quite stressful also.

    1. It sure was, Jan. Jesus came to us in the middle of chaotic circumstances…yet God held every one of them in His hands. Thanks for your thoughts tonight. Thinking outside the box can bring some pretty fun ideas to try.

  2. Thank you, Jeanne, for sharing on my site with your reminder to us all to savor the reason we have Christmas. And for the delightful download you shared with the readers of my blog. Merry Christmas!

    1. It’s been fun to write tandem posts, Barbara. Thanks for the opportunity to share with your readers. I hope we see the specialness of this season in light of the rough year we have been through. Jan’s right…Mary and Joseph faced so many obstacles when bringing Jesus into the world. Our world is filled with chaos–yet He brings us Peace.

  3. Wonderful ideas Ms. Jeanne. One of the first things I would do in leading large teams in strategic planning sessions was to help them learn to think “outside the box.” Perhaps you are already familiar with the nine-dot exercise to accomplish this. If not, we’ll have to have a Zoom of our own one day ma’am. God’s blessings!

  4. Great ideas, Jeanne! Praise the Lord that we have been given the gift of technology to be able to connect with loved ones in spite of the circumstances! Enjoy a blessed Christmas with your precious grandsons! 🙌

    1. For sure, Sheree. Technology can bridge the span and though it isn’t quite as good as getting to hug and play in person, it helps tremendously. Thanks for your thoughts today

  5. Merry Christmas, Jeanne! So sorry you will not be able to be with your family this Christmas. Your tips are great. I don’t have married children or grandkids, but I love the tip on buying and sending a book to read together over Zoom! Thank you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie. I know there are many who are looking for different ways to make this season special where so many can’t be with family and friends. If you discover something, please come back and share with us. I was thinking singles would really want to meet online for something fun. Coffee and dessert? Maybe a craft or game night?

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