Christmas Miracle: A Dolly for Christmas Review & Giveaway

Christmas miracles

Christmas Miracle: A Dolly For Christmas – Review and Giveaway

Christmas miraclesFrom an Angel showing up to speak to Zacharias, a barren woman expecting a child, and a virgin becoming pregnant, God is in the miracle-making business. We simply need to open our eyes and heart to believe in Christmas miracles.

Enter to Win a Copy

A Dolly for Christmas by Kimberly Schlapman is the true story of a Christmas miracle. Be sure to enter the drawing to win a copy from the publisher at Little, Brown & Company…see my review below, and leave a comment on this post.

God is in the miracle-making business. #ADollyForChristmas #ChristmasMiracles Share on X

Christmas Miracles

When we’re young it’s easy to believe in the magic of Christmas. The twinkling lights. Brightly wrapped gifts. The story and carols, all point to the birth of a miracle baby. And hidden in all of the celebration, the magic hints at the Miracle that came for you and me.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Zacharias and Mary were simply going about their daily routine when the Angel appeared with the announcement from God. And I believe with all my heart, that He comes to us in the same way when the time is right. Scripture says, In the fullness of time… and God is about bringing His purpose in our lives but sometimes we seem to wait and wait. Does this mean it’s not coming? No. His purpose always arrive right on time—though it may not look like we expect.

When Mary was pregnant, no one imagined she was telling the truth about the Angel’s words.

Then when Jesus was born, the people didn’t expect the King of Israel to arrive that way.

And when the shepherds found the baby sleeping in a feeding trough, it wasn’t kingly at all.

Yet, these eyewitnesses experienced the glory of His coming and believed.

A Dolly for Christmas – Review

A Dolly for Christmas is an adorable true story about a family who want another baby. Daisy’s mom has trouble getting pregnant, so Daisy prays for a new brother or sister. She wishes everyday and prays for a miracle. But no matter how hard she wishes, the baby doesn’t come. Then, at just the right time, Daisy’s family receives a Christmas miracle—A Dolly for Christmas.

Christmas miracles
Image by SergeMartin68 from Pixabay

When we least expect it, a glimmer of God’s glory washes over us. It might be a word or an answer to prayer. It may be a provision that turned up out of the blue. These are the miracles that continue to show up in our lives, the greatest of these is the Savior who came for us.

The nativity story is full of God moments that arrived right on time for His purpose. And Kimberly Schlapman’s book, A Dolly for Christmas, is a sweet story of prayer, hope and perfect timing, especially at this time of year.

A Dolly for Christmas is a beautiful read-aloud book. The cover is decked out with sparkly artwork by Morgan Huff, who captures the essence of Daisy’s family with her illustrations. This story has wonderful potential to communicate with our kids about prayer and waiting for an answer.

I adore true stories…like the story of how Jesus came to us, and this story of how a family received the blessing of Dolly, right on time.

Want to Win a Copy?

Enter to win a copy of, A Dolly for Christmas, by Kimberly Schlapman #ChristmasMiracle #BookReview Share on X

Be sure to leave a comment below to be entered into the drawing to win a copy of Kimberly Schlapman’s book, A Dolly for Christmas (U.S. addresses only please). What Christmas miracle are you wishing for?



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11 thoughts on “Christmas Miracle: A Dolly for Christmas Review & Giveaway

    1. You’re welcome, Barbara. This is a brand new book–just published in October. I also love that it addresses infertility and adoption. A sweet book indeed. Thanks for stopping by today, and enjoy the Christmas season

  1. Amen… just believe, with the wonder of a child. Amen! Thank you so much for warming my heart ma’am; and thank you for the neat book review. Some child or grandchild is going to be greatly blessed by this book.

  2. The book sounds awesome! How the world looks so different through the eyes of a child. There’s so much children can remind us of from the past, but especially the fact that faith is not complicated but a matter of child-like trust.

  3. Thanks for the reminder that God’s timing is always perfect. He is never late and always gives the best gifts to those who wait for Him.

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