Christmas Eve Blessing

Christmas Eve Blessing

Christmas Eve BlessingA Christmas Eve Blessing…

and many thanks for joining me in treasuring the quiet moments.

As we pause and treasure the quiet moments on this silent night, I wish you all a blessed Christmas. Throughout history people watched and waited for the promised Messiah – to deliver them. We celebrate His coming tonight.

I appreciate you coming along with me on this blog journey. What started as a glimmer of an idea, became filled with 34 inspiring posts from wonderful writers and friends. I hope they touched your heart and drew you nearer to your Savior, Jesus.

Christmas Eve BlessingI would love to hear your thoughts about the Quiet Moments series:

Did you have a favorite post?

Did God speak?

Did you treasure Jesus in a new way?

Were you less harried and stressed—what did you do differently?

What has been your greatest gift?

As we enter into the gatherings of Christmas, I pray for what God has planned in 2016. In the meantime, I am taking the coming week to rest  and be present with Jesus.

I thank you for being present during these daily posts. This was not my normal schedule and it was challenging. Rest assured we will be back to weekly posts after the New Year.

In the same way they hoped for the Savior, we now watch and wait for His coming again. Praying that we can believe like Mary; Obey even when it doesn’t make sense like Joseph. Trust God’s promises like Simeon. And serve Him all our days like Anna….but this is for another blog post.

Christmas eve blessing

Listen to Breath of Heaven, sung by Kari Jobe – Beautiful!

Watch Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song) Music video performed by Point of Grace

Wishing you many gifts from above, and a Christmas Eve blessing!

With Joy!


All images courtesy of

You can access the archives of the Christmas story and use them in your daily devotions in the coming week.

6 thoughts on “Christmas Eve Blessing

  1. Jeanne, Only one completely surrendered to the Lord could present this series in all its sweetness ! I enjoyed and looked forward to each one. Interestingly, one of my gifts came from adversity…….and though it isn’t fulfilled yet……” I ponder it in my heart”
    God loves us….taking time to be with Him, to hear, and read His Word IS a gift. Thank you for your sweet, surrendered life. Love Mom

    1. Hi Mom and thank you for your word today – what an encouragement. To me and to all those who shared their heart filled message of Christ.
      His presence is better than any presents.

  2. I will miss this series, as reading these has been some of my rare quiet moments over the last month…I had a few favourite posts…but my favourite one of yours, Jeanne, was the one about the girly time of Mary and Elizabeth…though I also loved your introducing the insight of Jesus being both shepherd and lamb (which was followed up by one of your writers the next day!). I hope to always remember this…and maybe right a blog of my own on it one day! Thankyou for the Kari Jobe version of today’s song…It is one of my 2 favourite Christmas eve songs, and Kari is my favourite worship leader…though I also love the Amy Grant version too, which also has some lovely videos to accompany it.

    1. Debbie, thank you for sharing this with me. I know the words from every contributor will be planted like a seed in the hearts of those who read…and will read in the future. His presence is a sweet gift.

      1. It is indeed Jeanne! 🙂 I forgot to mention, I thought your early post on inexpensive gift ideas was brilliant too.

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