Choosing My One Word – Confident – In God, Not Myself

How is it that even after walking with God since my teens, I still struggle with insecurity? I still have such a long way to go to see myself as God sees me. So, I chose the word, CONFIDENT as my #OneWord for the year. I’m not seeking confidence in myself; I want to be more confident in God.


Choosing My One Word – Confident

How is it that even after walking with God since my teens, I still struggle with insecurity? This is the reason I chose the word, CONFIDENT as my #OneWord for the year.


I have come a long way since the fearful little girl I used to be, but I still have such a long way to go to see myself as God sees me…and to trust that He is the One I have confidence in.

I have such a long way to go to see myself as God sees me. I need HIS confidence to live each day. #OneWord #Confident Share on X

I’m not seeking confidence in myself; I want to be more confident in God. Because John 15 tells me I can do nothing apart from Him.

I want to be confident:

In His love for me.

In His call on my life.

Where He is leading.

For my decisions.

In my ‘YES’ being yes, and my ‘NO’ being no. No more waffling. No more doubting.

I want to be fully dressed in His battle armor so I can stand firm, no matter the circumstances. And be able to keep my eyes focused on Him and His promises when things get tough or my path gets murky.

I want to be fully dressed in His battle armor so I can stand firm, no matter the circumstances. #Confident in Jesus Share on X

I want to be confident:

In God’s promises.

In His goal of my transformation, to be more like Jesus.

In His work in my life to triumph over Satan’s schemes (Yes, Satan has plans for you too).

Do you know Satan has plans too? I need God's confidence to stand firm. Share on X


confidentI love the disciples’ boldness in the book of Acts. In Acts 4:13, the rulers took notice of their confidence and the fact they had been with Jesus. How cool is that?! The presence of Jesus and His Spirit residing within me makes all the difference. It isn’t my education or social status. It has nothing to do with my name or appearance. My confidence comes from being in the presence of Jesus.

I’m tired of feeling doubtful of my worth and unsure of His leading. I am praying for Him to do a new thing in me.

I’m not sure what this #OneWord journey toward confidence will look like in the coming year. But I am confident that God has something good planned for my growth as I learn to trust Him more.

My confidence comes from being in the presence of Jesus. Not education, social status, appearance, or pushy guts. Share on X

How about you?

Did you choose #OneWord for 2018?

What are your hopes as you move closer to His heart? Share your thoughts in the comments below.



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7 thoughts on “Choosing My One Word – Confident – In God, Not Myself

  1. Hi Jeanne,
    I am still working on my original word “Brave” In a way,the words “brave” and “confident” dovetail. When one is confident then one can bravely meet the challenges that come our way. I pray God will build the confidence you seek this year.

  2. Jeanne, I think many of us feel the need of more confidence…….

    He says that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” In order to stay strengthened, we need to stay close to Him……..
    How easy it is to question ourselves, waver in our worth……..but HE sees us differently…….
    I love that we can “ponder” these things together.

  3. I have two words this year. One is the same word God gave me 2 years ago, willing. It’s a word that made me shudder then and now. But it was the word I needed, and seem to need again. The other word is build. I’m not sure exactly what that means, but I hope it includes helping to build up the body of Christ, to help others grow, as well as building up and growth in my own life. Love you my kindred friend!

    1. O My, Cathy!! We are truly sisters from another realm. The other word the Lord gave me was BUILD also. I felt this also came under being confident. Not sure what He wants to build yet…but let’s join this journey together in prayer. God is doing something wonderful

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