Brave the Night with Penguin & Moose: Review & Win a Copy

brave the night

Brave the Night with Penguin & Moose: Review

And Your Chance to Win a Copy

When I was young it was hard for me to brave the night. I saw shadows on the walls and just knew there was something lurking under my bed. As a young mom, I still struggled with being alone at night—it’s a long story. Having three children under the age of two and a husband who traveled caused me so much anxiety. As I look back, fear has been woven into the fabric of my life.

I still struggle at times.

Fear is something we can all struggle with, though it may look different for each one of us.

So, when I was asked to write a review by the publisher of this book: Penguin & Moose Brave the Night, it occurred to me that it would be a great story for children who are afraid sometimes. So, be sure to leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy (US addresses please, No PO Boxes).

Reading Penguin & Moose Brave the Night to my Grandsons

I read this story to my grandsons during one of our recent virtual visits. All three of them can relate to being afraid of the dark. As I read, they hung on every word. Their soft ‘oh-ohs’ let me know they were wondering what was going to happen next.

brave the night

The fun illustrations are a perfect accent to the story. Penguin’s wide-awake eyes peeking over his blanket. Blue and white images to paint the darkened scene. And Moose’s peaceful rest as Penguin seeks to use all of his fear-of-the-dark tools.

As he punches his pillow one more time, he notices words on it that say:

So do not fear for I am with you. Isaiah 41:10

When his helmet, bug spray, booby trap, and slingshot don’t take away his fear, Penguin discovers that he is beginning to understand Moose’s pillowcase message after all.

After I finished reading, I asked my grandsons what part of the story was their favorite. One said he thought Moose’s snoring was funny. Another loved that Penguin wore a helmet to bed. The third enjoyed seeing Moose and Penguin riding the bike together at the end.

Penguin and Moose’s story captured their attention and I hope that they will be less fearful when bedtime comes.

This cute book makes a wonderful read-aloud for bedtime, or anytime a good story is needed. It also helps to talk about things we might be afraid of, and Who watches over us as we sleep.

Have you read Penguin & Moose Brave the Night by Hannah C. Hall? #ChildrensBook #FearOftheDark Share on X

Remembering that God is Always Near

As I sit here in my grandson’s hospital room, he’s had plenty to be afraid of these last few weeks. But having his mama here reminds him he is not alone.

Does your child struggle with fear? Penguin & Moose Brave the Night is a cute story that reminds them where we find our protection. #DoNotFear Share on X

Do you know kiddos who struggle with being afraid of the dark? Find this book where books are sold. It will be a wonderful conversation starter about our true protection.

In the comments, share your thoughts, and I will choose one winner to receive a copy from the publisher at Worthy Kids.

Penguin and Moose Brave the Night

Written by Hannah C. Hall

Illustrated by Stacy Curtis

2021 Worthy Kids

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for my honest review.

Child hiding Image by ambermb from Pixabay

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6 thoughts on “Brave the Night with Penguin & Moose: Review & Win a Copy

  1. Jeanne, I love the way the boys interacted to this book. A great tool for many little ones and some big ones !!
    I remember years ago paying my sister a nickel so she would walk upstairs with me. I also had a fear.

    1. I had forgotten that story, Jan. Thanks for sharing it. I do think fear is a common thing with us all. And Jesus promises to cast out fear – because He is our protection and source of love that chases away every fear. I just returned from nine days in Colorado and helping out while Jie was in the hospital.

  2. I also struggled at nighttime growing up. I’d quietly crawl into my parent’s room and sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed. It worked well until I tried doing this with my paternal grandmother. Apparently, raising five boys gave her an edge on hearing kids sneak in a room. Ha! This looks like a great (and much-needed) book!

    1. Sounds like you and I have much in Common, Cathy., Thanks for your thoughts today. And my apologies for my delay in replying to this. I just returned from nine days in Colorado and helping out while my grandson was in the hospital.

  3. This just made my “must read” list. Not that I have little ones around any longer who might need this book (I’ll end up donating it to a local library), but because any book this good needs to be examined, read, and understood so we can improve in our craft! Thank you for the review Ms. Jeanne.

    1. Thanks for your comment, J.D., and my apologies for the delay in my reply. I just returned from nine days in Colorado and helping out while my grandson was in the hospital. What a lovely idea to donate a copy of this book to a library or other venue where it will be enjoyed

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