Blessed With Rest – Time at the Shore

blessed with rest

I Was Hungry to Be Alone with God Share on X I needed to be blessed with rest.

blessed with rest
Photo by Jeanne Doyon

I sometimes feel selfish wanting to get away alone with God. Well, guess what…that is just what the enemy would love me to think. So when I argue with myself about it, I remember that Jesus needed it.

If Jesus needed time alone with God, I need it exponentially more!! And, then when I am blessed with rest, I wonder why I put it off so long!!

Well, I did it. And, I am so glad I made the time.

My husband, John and I went together for one night. We had morning coffee on the beach, rode bikes, went to lunch, and enjoyed a fire in the fire pit. Then, he left for home and I stayed a couple extra days.

I started out feeling anxious and a little guilty that John was going home. But I knew I needed to have this time. As I surrendered my feelings, I began to settle in and expect God’s presence in a powerful way.

I am blessed with rest this week

Simple meals. Being alone. Taking walks. Sitting with my Bible. Listening. And asking God to do a work in me.

And God showed up! How cool is that. Well, He was there all the time, I just slowed down long enough to enjoy Him. It took me three days to settle in but once I did, rest happened.

God showed up! Share on X

Whether something big happens or not, the time apart refills my empty cup Share on X

blessed with rest
Photos by Jeanne, collage created at

Some precious things from my time away:

The verse that began running through my head as I left home : Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” [I am still pondering this]

God brought two Christian women across my path while sitting by the ocean. We talked, prayed, shared our testimonies and enjoyed sisterhood in Christ. (Hi, Lynn and Jodie)

Genesis 24:40 spoke to me as I prepare for upcoming speaking events: “The Lord, before Whom I have walked, will send His angel with you to make your journey successful.”

The words, “Don’t hurry. Wait for my blessing.”

What a wonderful time away….My cup is full.

Do you need to be blessed with rest? Schedule time with Him – He is longing for you to come…

Don't hurry. Wait for My blessing Share on X




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Images by Jeanne Doyon

Photo Collage created in


8 thoughts on “Blessed With Rest – Time at the Shore

  1. Oh Jeanne, How we need the time alone with Him…..
    Then you were blessed with 2 more “sisters” in Christ.
    I know what it means to covet this alone time. He desires to meet us there. Love your collage
    Thank you Mom

    1. Thanks, Mom. It constantly amazes me when He sees where I am. And then to bring others across our path to encourage and be encouraged. It is awesome. I am blessed with rest. I am blessed with His presence…He will give us rest….that is, himself.

  2. I know how precious that “alone and away with Him” time is, Jeanne. I’m so pleased you got to indulge. I was thinking as I read this that it isn’t just that we need this time with Him, I believe He really needs time alone with us as well. Can’t you just feel His longing to get that “just you and me, Babe” fix? Makes me smile to realize He wants it as much as I do. Thanks for your post.

    1. Terry, thanks for your thoughts. I think you are right. He longs for us. He created us for relationship. It’s like us as a parent; don’t we just love spending time with our kids and grands. How blessed we are that He loves us.

  3. “Call to me and I will answer you . . .” (Jeremiah 33:3)

    What a promise! What a blessing to know God hears, God cares, and God speaks. What a privilege it is to be invited into His presence to rest, to listen, to simply focus on our ever-present loving Father.

    Thanks for sharing your moment with us, Jeanne.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Xochitl. I used to tell my kids that Jeremiah 33:3 is God’s phone number. LOL! That time in His presence is so precious. So blessed with rest! And He is ALWAYS there.

  4. Jeanne, I needed to detach from my day-to-day busyness and responsibilities and spend some alone time with God to gain wisdom, clarity and peace. What a blessing the Lord brought us together last week as we both sought our “alone time” with our Lord! A powerful reminder for me that we are never alone as long as we are joined to His body. He is so good! Our time together blessed me in so many ways. I look forward to reading your blogs 🙂 Terry’s comment that He really needs alone time with us as well made me smile.

    1. Welcome, Lynn. So glad you stopped by. I was so blessed by our meeting last week. God is awesome as He orchestrates timing and place to bring to new friends together. I know how much your time with Him mattered–how it blessed you. He has begun a good work! Amen. I look forward to getting to know you better too. I love how the Love of Jesus connects us by the power of His Spirit. And, you feel like you have known someone for ages. I love how He works.

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