Better Perspective – Part Three – Finding Treasure After a Storm

When looking at my circumstances, I need a better perspective. Faith asks me to see the unseen. When I trust God, I see more than my small place called now. Part 3 of Finding Treasure After a Storm.

Potter better perspective

A Better Perspective – Part Three of Finding Treasure After a Storm

Thanks for joining me for Part 3 in this series (Read Part One and Part Two Here). When I look at my circumstances, I need to expand my view for a better perspective. I’m not saying this is easy to do—as a matter of fact, when in the middle of stormy situations, my inclination is to narrow my vision to survive.

But, faith asks me to see beyond the unseen. When I trust God to broaden my view, I begin to see the bigger picture, not just the small place called now.

Faith asks me to see beyond the unseen. #FindingTreasureInStorms #WhatAreYouDoingGod Share on X

Looking from a distance I have a better perspective

I remember when I learned to drive. I was so anxious, trying to keep my eyes on the hood of the car to stay in my lane. I didn’t know how to look further down the road, trusting my peripheral vision to keep me on track.

When I walked along the beach scanning the surface rather than narrowing my view, the sea glass stood out from everything else. This better perspective helped me to relax and enjoy my walk a lot more than when I was hunched over poking through a pile of stones.

A Personal Storm & God’s Perspective

Several years ago my hubby and I were saving to buy a house when I found out I was expecting our first child. I ended up getting a pinched nerve in my neck and was put on temporary disability. The pain was awful; I couldn’t take medications or have x-rays because of the baby. The days sitting in a chair were long. Finances tightened when I couldn’t return to work—our dream of buying a house looked impossible.

I began to wonder why all this was happening to me.

Potter better perspectiveThen I read in Isaiah 45:9: Will the clay say to the potter, what are you doing?

Suddenly, my view got a little clearer. God’s word has a way of doing that, doesn’t it?

I realized that God saw my pain and knew all of my concerns. I cried out and asked for His better perspective. As my hubby and I sought God together, asking for His will, our relationship grew.

Will the clay say to the potter, what are you doing? #DoYouTrustMe #IHaveAQuestion Share on X

Later that fall, we moved into our new house just weeks after the baby was born. Owner-financing worked out. There were so many ‘God-things’ to declare. And through that storm, I discovered that God both sees and hears me. Since that time I have gotten better about asking and then looking for His perspective.

Ask, Look, and Remember His Faithfulness

When looking for the treasure after your storm, don’t be afraid to slow down, backtrack, and look again. If you think there was something a step or two behind, take time to turn around and check. Don’t overlook the little things—they could be the best treasures.

better perspectiveThis happened to me while looking for sea glass. I thought I caught a glimpse of something tiny but kept walking. Then I thought better of it and turned back to look. It turned out to be the biggest piece I found that day. All but one small end was buried in the sand.

Seeing Circumstances Through Eyes of Faith

Asking God for His perspective in my storm is like that too. I may discover an answer to prayer. Or a reminder of His presence I might have missed because it was partly obscured by other things. There are times when God is calling to me to respond to the burning bush moments. He is getting my attention. I am learning that when I allow myself to relax in God’s hands, it makes all the difference in what I can see.

Ask God for His perspective in my storm #FindingTreasures #GodIsUpToSomething Share on X

I enjoyed my walk on the beach that day. I was amazed how much sea glass I found – I wonder if all the stormy surf brought it to shore after Hurricane Florence went by. It’s often the storm that brings God’s greatest blessings.

It's often the storm that brings God's greatest blessings. #HiddenTreasures #SeeingTheGood Share on X

Have you found a better perspective during or after your storms? What did you discover? Be sure to comment below and join the conversation.

God is calling to me to respond to the burning bush moments. #GodCalling #TurnAndLook Share on X


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Sea Glass Photo by Jeanne Doyon

Potter photo courtesy of – no attribution necessary

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2 thoughts on “Better Perspective – Part Three – Finding Treasure After a Storm

  1. I definitely see more when I go through a storm—-that’s when God teaches me the most. My husband is going through a storm right now, and he hasn’t found the treasures yet, but he trusts they will come.

    1. Heather, I appreciate your thoughts and your desire to pray your husband through this time of struggle. I think we do discover more about God through the stormy times than we do when things are going smooth. We meet Him in a new way. And our faith is strengthened along with our knowledge of Him.

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