Benched, Like That’s A Bad Thing?

Benched like that's a bad thing

Benched, Like That’s A Bad Thing?

Benched like that's a bad thing

The last thing an athlete wants is to be benched. Whatever the reason, being set aside isn’t desirable. They avoid being benched like that’s a bad thing.

I broke my foot several years ago and found myself relegated to the recliner for a few weeks. Benched! Using crutches was exhausting. Hopping on one foot wasn’t easy either. Though it was tempting after a while in that chair.

Deep down I knew was best to sit with my foot elevated. But I the idea of getting nothing done loomed large in my mind. I felt helpless and invisible.

Benched like that's a bad thing

Yeah, being benched is never fun.

Yet, if I look at it from another angle, a spiritual one, the idea of being benched has its virtues if I can get past the stigma of being demeaned by inactivity?

Is inactivity demeaning?

It can be if my identity is wrapped up in what I do rather than who I am.

I’ve wrestled with this too. The struggle was rooted in my inability to say no. I was overcommitted and lacked the energy to do all I said yes to.

Is inactivity demeaning? It can be if my #identity is wrapped up in what I do rather than who I am. #BenchedABadThing Share on X

As I crumbled, God began to reassemble the pieces. But not the pieces I had included. Instead, He began peeling off the badges I had attached to my heart: Committee member, women’s leader, Sunday school teacher, good girl, organizer, homeschool mom…

Being Benched Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

Over time I became me. Seeker of God and student of His Word. Like Mary, I sat at the feet of Jesus when I was too worn out to do anything else. I was benched by the Spirit of God and the weakness of my flesh. It was the best thing ever.

#IWasBenched by the Spirit of God and the weakness of my flesh. It was the best thing ever. #ICanBreathe Share on X

I did struggle with it a little. People felt I was depressed. They were worried about me. But when I looked past the idea of disappointing everyone, I knew I was right where God wanted me to be.

Since then, being benched is inviting. I am expectant to hear what God has planned. I don’t worry about what others think. I simply keep my eyes and ears focused on the One who called the time-out.

#Benched? Simply keep your eyes and ears focused on the One who called the #time-out. Share on X

Have you ever struggled with being benched? I’d love to hear what you discovered…Do you think being benched is Biblical? Is it a good thing? Add your comments below.



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14 thoughts on “Benched, Like That’s A Bad Thing?

  1. Oh what a timely message ! Yes, it is bibical……..
    Moses was away in the desert…..Joseph sat in prison for something he didn’t do. All the while GOD…….

    Little by little in my own life I have seen this. Being out of commission as I call it……brought me to HIS presence, HIS word…….growth comes when we are set aside…..Thank you, Jeanne, as always you bring more of what HE wants in us to us.

    1. Exactly, Mom. Isn’t it freeing to know we aren’t alone. God has a purpose we don’t see…yet. the wilderness may be a time of testing or preparation. But even the testing is more like PROVING. Tempering, stretching, growing our faith and trust in Him.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

  2. Boy have I been there Ms. Jeanne. In time, I learned there was good reason for God’s benching me. Have come to understand that when He “benches” me, there’s something He needs to prepare me for or I need to learn. When He calls a timeout in my life, I lean in closer to listen. Great post ma’am.

  3. Thanks for chiming in on this topic of being benched, J.D. I love God’s heart and the assurance that He has both our best in mind, and a bigger purpose for us.

  4. Hi Jeanne,
    I am walking or should I say sitting through my own “benched” experience right now in ministry. However, I need to keep reminding myself that we need seasons of being benched for God to prepare us for whatever the next season holds for us.

    1. This is so true and very Biblical, Sheree. It often feels hard, lonely, and confusing in the middle of it. But I do think God gives not only His grace to persevere but also his perspective on the other side. Thanks for your thoughts. And I am praying for you as you grapple with feeling set aside. Waiting is so hard sometimes.

  5. I once broke my pinkie-toe on Christmas Eve. I was most annoyed that I couldn’t go to the service at church, but, being forced to rest help me get some much-needed catching up with my writing journey at that season of my life! Thanks for the reminder that getting benched isn’t always a bad thing!

    1. Julie, oh that must have been painful. We never know when bench time might arise. But, Christmas Eve. Man!! Glad you found the glimmer of hope in the middle of it though. And thanks for sharing this with me.

  6. As I am reading this, that is exactly where I am at. Benched or should I bedded. At first I was what not now! I am so needed as my job, how could this be. But, it is because of a pure accident nothing else. Not anyone’s fault, just an accident. As I ponder that I know that it is no accident that I am benched. Sitting at His feet with Him each day is so enriching! I am so thankful for this time with Him. His word is so rich and healing to the soul and body. Thank you for this post! I agree there are times when He just wants us to Himself. He enjoys us!

    1. Lyn, so sorry to hear you are on the bench. So often, we don’t know why. But we can know that God never wastes those times we feel set aside. Hugs to you from here. I can hear the sweet relationship in your ‘voice’ from here.

  7. As someone who is an over-achiever and perpetually busy, your message spoke volumes to me. The few times I’ve been “benched” (severe illness, an accident that put me on crutches, concussions, etc.), I’ve struggled terribly with the inactivity. Each time I would come to the realization that God had a purpose for me to “be still.” I confess, though, that I frequently forget that lesson. I’m not asking to be benched again, but I’m grateful for the reminder.

    1. Katherine, Thanks for your story. I have not thought of myself as an over-achiever, but I think I have become more of that as I have gotten older. Like I need to prove myself as a writer and speaker. It is all on me…yet He is teaching me that it is NOT.

  8. Hi, Jeanne, I was “benched” eleven years ago while I underwent cancer treatment. I had a 2-week cycle: 5 really bad days followed by 9 not-as-bad days. On the days I felt well enough, I would go to work, but nowhere else (too tire; also my immune system was shot, so the docs didn’t want me out and about). Sundays became my favorite day, because my family went to church, and I came to treasure those hours alone with God.
    Honestly, a little “bench time” on a consistent basis would do me good! Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Sally, I know that feeling, like it’s the worse thing and then finding the treasure in it. Being benched has glimmers of rich treasure. And God allows us to discover it along with His love and glory. It isn’t an easy journey but once on the otherside, we find the good.

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