Believing Truth: God’s Mirror Says You Are…

believing truth

Believing the Truth: God Says You Are More Than What Your Mirror Tells You!

believing truthMirror messages surround us all the time. We need to believe what God says about us, despite the mirror’s volume. So, today let’s decide we are going to start believing truth.

Our enemy lies; There is no truth in him. But, God is truth and His His mirror doesn’t lie.

When you feel:

Inadequate – Your adequacy is in God

Weak – He is your strength

Unworthy – He is your worthy lamb who paid the price of redemption

Outcast – He says you belong to His family

Empty – He fills your cup

Defeated – He is your victor

Guilty – He restores you with forgiveness.

Condemned – There is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1).

Instead of lost, He says we are found. When feeling trapped, He sets us free. When branded by the world, He anoints us as His own and puts His seal on us. The promise of eternal life.

Our enemy accuses us, but we have an advocate.

So when the enemy starts throwing the fiery darts, call him out for who he is:

When the enemy starts throwing the fiery darts, call him out for who he is...father of lies, imposter, roaring lion, accuser Share on X


Believing truth

And stand firm in who God says you are.

believing truthJeremiah 31:3 says God loves you with an everlasting love – that means past, present, and future, a forever never-ending love.

       1 Corinthians 6:20 says you are bought with a price – the blood of Jesus

1 John 1:7 says He cleanses you from sin

Deuteronomy 26:18 We are His precious possession

2 Peter 1:1-4 He gives us a new nature

2 Corinthians 5:7 says we are a new creation – the old is gone

Isaiah 43:1-12, John 17:10 God says you are mine.

John 10:27-29 Nothing can snatch you out of His hand.

Stand firm in who God says you are! Forgiven, redeemed, set free, loved...He says, You are mine. Share on X

Will you join me in believing truth?

Adjust your mirror and see God’s image of you there. Share a truth you want to hang onto today in the comments below, as you begin your journey.

As you look in God's mirror, share a truth you want to hang onto today. Share on X

Download a free printable of Who Am I in Christ?


Casting Crowns sings, Who Am I

You are His!!



Bring this message of our identity in Christ to your next women’s event. Contact me for more information about, Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself in God’s Eyes 

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10 thoughts on “Believing Truth: God’s Mirror Says You Are…

  1. Such beautiful truth, Jeanne! Thank you.

    My truth…..I am a child of God and He cares for me. I believe Him because He has proven Himself to me over and over again! I trust Him – He is faithful.

    1. What a precious promise that God will never leave us. He cares for us and YES!! He is faithful. Thanks for sharing this Deborah. I am so glad to be His child. His daughter. His precious beloved.

  2. My favorite verse to recall when I’m falling prey to those lies you mentioned is Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord Your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy!”

    1. Zephaniah 3:17 is one of my favorites, Michelle. Especially “He will quiet me with His love.” And that warrior part – woohoo! His fights for me! Thanks for sharing

  3. An awesome post, Jeanne. Wonderful encouragement! Loved the reminder that God loves me with an everlasting love. There’s so much reassurance for us of God’s love in His Word. 1 John 4:16-18 reminds us that God is love and we can always rely on that. Thanks for sharing your beautiful message.

    1. He is so faithful, Katherine. Thanks for your words of encouragement and the scripture is 1 John. It is interesting the John refers to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” Something we can claim as well. Oh if we could just grasp the depth of His love for us….it would change us. It already changed the world!!

  4. My life verse is Isaiah 61:1-2a. It defines the ministry that God has called me to and His love for me and those that are weighed down by what see in the mirror! It is even printed on my business cards along with John 3:16.

    1. Your call is so evident. And I love your life verse, Sheree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is true that the images we see in the mirror can have consequences in the way we see life. Jesus has indeed come to set the captive free.

    1. I understand completely, Jann. But God wants us to see and beieve the truth. A lost seep, found by the Shepherd, worthy because of Jesus. Forgiven, redeemed, set free, a chosen to be His daughter. He calls you His beloved.

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