being still - wait sign


Being Still Is Not Easy

being still. Toddler on the moveYou would think the way I talk about it, that being still is easy. Ha! ‘Tis not! I feel like my children who struggled when it was time for a diaper change or getting dressed, wiggling and thrashing about, wanting it to be over. Wanting to be released.

Yep, that’s about right.

And isn’t it just God’s sense of humor that right after the best experience of the Pausing for R & R Retreat, I am struggling.

And, you guessed it. This message is from the trenches this week.

This message is from the trenches this week. #BeingStill is NOT Easy Share on X

Part of the struggle is not knowing what to do.

And then, the whole idea behind being still is feeling like I don’t need to do anything.

Such a dilemma.

I have things I should do.

Things I want to do.

Things I don’t want to do.

And an overloaded brain that is saying, ENOUGH. Shut down. Take a rest. Put a sock in it…

Can you relate?

being still - wait signAs I write this, I have no idea what advice to give myself or to you other than…

to wait.

If there is confusion, wait.

If you are unsure of your course, wait.

So that has been on my to-do list all week… To Wait.

I realized this morning that I want freedom from my to-do list, but I feel lost without it.

Another dilemma.

Isaiah 40 tells me to WAIT on the Lord for renewed strength. I do need that. ..HIS strength. But New England Yankee upbringing screams, PUSH THROUGH IT. Being still, waiting on God, trusting His timing, letting it rest, are all contrary to the way I was raised.

Another dilemma.

I need to know that waiting doesn’t mean nothing is happening.

God is outside of time, yet He is all about time. He works all things together. He brings time and people and circumstances together in the fullness of time, scripture says.

I need to know that waiting doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Share on X

So I need to trust that waiting, the dilemma of being still, and seeking clarity of purpose is part of His plan.

I trust Him if it means He is asking me to assess my involvement.

I trust Him enough to say no to commitments right now.

But I also trust that I need prayer and godly counsel to help sort and sift it all.

I have been in this place before enough to know that it circles back again. Because rest is something God knows we need. It’s His idea. And learning its lessons are an ongoing thing until I leave this earth and go home to Him.

I know I am not alone.

So, tell me. What season are you in—needing to rest or ready to go? How can I pray for you?



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13 thoughts on “Being Still Is NOT Easy

  1. I seem to be in a season of “Pulling” right now. What I mean by that is while I want to wait to see what the Lord has planned for me next, I’m getting pulled by the world in this direction and then the next. What’s worse is this is what I’ve prayed for. My heart wants to be working on a manuscript that’s been sitting through most of the summer, waiting for me. Sometimes calling out to me. I’ve also been praying God bring me consulting work to allow me to build back my reserves, which gives me more time to write in a more relaxed fashion. So here I am, three consulting jobs at one time, a ranch to run, dealing with family medical issues, and I’ve just awaken in the middle of the night again to try and get a few hours of writing in so I can help a fellow writer tomorrow. “God, I know you’re exercising me so I’ll grow stronger, but please don’t let me overextend myself.” Loved your post Ms. Jeanne. Letting go and letting God.

  2. I love this line: “I need to know that waiting doesn’t mean nothing is happening.” It’s hard to switch to this perspective, but you’re right. It’s exactly what I need to do.

    I was raised by the “Don’t just sit there, do something!” philosophy. I learning to flip the script to “Don’t do something, just sit there!”

    It’s okay when it’s what we need.

  3. I think the culture contributes to our sense of hurry. When I was growing up, there was a definite pause between the seasons that we celebrate. I was horrified when I entered a store (that shall remain nameless) and I saw Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas displays all at the same time. That visual seems to translate to our lives implying that everything morphs together without room for distinction or pausing. Lest we forget, Jesus took time away from His ministry. Despite the fact that He only had three short years, Jesus didn’t hurry up and get as many healings and miracles performed as possible. He led by example in taking time away to be with the Father, be refreshed and renewed and encouraged His disciples to do likewise.

  4. I’m definitely in a new season of waiting. I found out yesterday that my dad has bladder cancer and that it’s very aggressive. He’s only 76 and healthy otherwise so we’re all shocked. My mind is racing, tears won’t stop falling, and I desperately need to sit…be still…and rest in God’s sovereignty.

  5. I’ve read some of the replies from the younger women…..actually, I’m the older generation, but still struggle. Maybe partly because when I retired I didn’t want to want my day to be sitting in a chair. I filled it with a group for this, a group for that, and yes, I have time to take you where you need to go…..all of a sudden I felt the LORD say…”a sabbath Rest”….so each week I try to take one day… TV, no computer, no work…’d think that would be easy for me……but like all of you, I hear, see and feel what I should be doing…. Though this day is a bit of a struggle, I’m trying to learn through it.

  6. I retired in July but have been traveling with my husband. Hoped to settle down and write a bunch beginning this week. I received an email today asking if I could come back to work on a short term basis to help out. A little extra cash is a good thing with Christmas approaching. Right? I’ll rest a little this week in between my writing and go back to work next week. Maybe!

    1. LuAnn, I am so glad you have been able to travel with your hubby. Oh boy….getting called back after you retire…you have to really wanna!! I will be praying for you to know what to do about this opportunity.

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