Being Filled – Truth or Lie: Acts 5

Being filled

Acts Chapter Five – Being Filled – Truth or a Lie

Today we Read Acts 5. Being filled with the Holy Spirit has created a whole new experience for the followers of Jesus. When Jesus told them, you will do greater things than these, I wonder if they had any idea what He meant? They saw firsthand when Jesus healed disease, raised the dead, and cast out demons. But for them to be speaking the words and seeing God’s power touch people must have been mind-boggling.

While reading chapter five, it’s theme proclaims:

Nothing can stand against the Kingdom of God.

Being Filled
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Nothing Can Stand Against:

Lying to the Holy Spirit (verses 1-10).

Being held captive (verses 17-25).

Being censored (verses 26-33).

Being outsmarted (verses 35-40).

Because of what they have seen and heard, how can the followers of Jesus do anything but be obedient to God alone (verses 41-42)?

What Are We Filled With?

Being filled
Image by PublicDomainArchive from Pixabay

Ananias and Sapphira lie about the cost of selling land, keeping back a portion of the price for themselves – This struck me. They thought nothing of breaking both commandments of Love God and Love Your Neighbor.

Acts 5:3 – “why has Satan filled your heart to lie…”

Satan is a liar and he is the one who leads our hearts in that direction. He is subtle, wily, and angel of light—but in him is no light at all. He is a counterfeit.

We are reluctant to see the spiritual warfare that is going on around us. Scripture says it rages in the heavenly realm. The battle for souls is very real.

In Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphire broke the greatest commandments. #ActsBibleStudy #ReadGodsWordWithYourHeart Share on X

And if you know Jesus, Satan vies to fill you with discouragement and despair…to steal, rob, and destroy. His lie is as old as whispering to Eve in the Garden of Eden. And look what he destroyed with one bite of fruit.

We Face A Choice

What do you think about #Choice #Acts5 gives us a glimpse of what we want to be filled with. Share on X

In the Book of Acts, the whole community of new believers has just experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit in a miraculous way (Acts 2:4, Acts 4:8, Acts 4:31).

The story of Ananias and Sapphira show we have a choice.

Whom will fill us and guide our actions?

Are we filled with the Holy Spirit’s power or Satan’s lie?

being filled
Image by Steve Theaker from Pixabay

The disciples have chosen to follow Jesus. That doesn’t mean they escape trouble.

They are thrown in jail as a result of the leaders’ jealousy and fear of the people. Yet even after a second stern warning not speak about Jesus, beaten and released, the disciples stand firm on the knowledge of what they have seen and heard.

They say, We must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).

This Truth hasn’t Changed

As believers, no matter where we live, our first allegiance is to God.

This world is not our home; our citizenship is in Heaven. We are here to witness to a dark, hurting world shackled by the enemy. Even when world events rage around us, our solid rock is Jesus Christ. When persecution comes, He is our protector, our Mighty God.

As believers, no matter where we live, our first allegiance is to God. #ActsBibleStudy #HeavenIsMyHome Share on X

Nothing can stand against the Kingdom of God. And being filled with the light of the Holy Spirit makes a difference for eternity.

Tell me. What have you discovered while reading the Book of Acts so far?

Share your findings in the comments below. You can also share and tag me on social media. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you have missed any of these posts, you can catch up here:

Acts 1 – The Promise

Acts 2 – Empowered Church

Acts 3 – Go Forth

Acts 4 – Backlash of Power VS Roller Coaster of Truth

Did you miss the free downloads for this series in the Book of Acts? Here they are:

Download your copy of How to Read God’s Word With Your Heart and a printable page to jot down your thoughts from each chapter.

See you next time when we’ll read Acts Chapter Six.


Join us as we read the #BookOfActs and see truths for us today. #ActsBibleStudy Share on X


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14 thoughts on “Being Filled – Truth or Lie: Acts 5

    1. You are so right, Monty. He blinds the minds of the unbelieving and raises havoc with God’s children. Spiritual warfare is real and needed as we walk the walk of faith. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts

    1. You’re welcome, J.D. So glad you are enjoying the journey. The early church fascinates me. I think we can glean some wonderful truths for our generation as well. Blessings, my friend (and thanks for the edit).

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Cathy, and for the encouraging word. As I read about the early church in Acts, I can’t help but think we have complicated what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Love God. Love and care for one another. Spread the good news. It seems so simple.

  1. I was just talking my my Bible study group last week about how our battle is a spiritual one. It’s not against flesh and blood, but takes place in the spiritual realm. Who are we following? Who are we allowing to influence us? Great post, Jeanne. Thanks!

  2. I’m joining your series late (been away from social media due to a family issue), but I’m struck by how well this message addresses the world issues we are facing at this time. The devil is busy stirring up lies and fear. You’ve reminded us where we find the answers.

    1. So glad you are back, Katherine. Hope all is okay with your family. I am finding so much that addressed present day in this ancient story. His word is indeed living and active–ready to speak today. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I hope you get a chance to ready the other chapters too. I would love your input.

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