2016 – How Can I Make it Better?


Image courtesy of Morguefile.com

As 2015 comes to a close do you wonder how you can make 2016 better?

There is a flurry of activity on social media right now about setting goals for 2016 by choosing a word for the New Year, making resolutions and attempting to make next year better than this past one.

For me, I am trying apply the brakes before I rush ahead with any proclamations. Instead I want to pause and be purposeful. I want to ponder this past year before falling headlong into the next. It means spending time with God, listening. It means wanting His plans for 2016 rather than my own.

2016And, according to Andy Lee, it means I need to wait. I remember doing a study on that word several years ago—determining that it is indeed a four-letter word. No one likes to wait. But sometimes waiting is important.

When we pause and truly seek God for our next step, He honors that. [Click to Tweet This]

How to Make 2016 A Better Year? [Click To Tweet This]

Just this week I discovered a short but powerful worksheet to help in the process. My kindred sister, Emily Wickham has designed it and I think it is a wonderful tool. She asks seven questions to prompt thinking about the successes of the past year and walking with purpose into 2016. It’s called:

Seven Questions to Ponder the Past & Prepare for the Future

If you’re wondering what’s next in 2016, you can print a free copy over at Emily’s blog.

Tweet This: Seven Questions to Ponder the Past & Prepare for the Future

I encourage you to print a copy and complete it prayerfully…also gather a few trusted friends who know you and what you are all about and discuss it together. I have completed mine and have contacted a few other sisters to share it with—we plan to encourage one another and listen to the Holy Spirit as we seek to follow God’s direction for the New Year.

Are you seeking God’s will for 2016?

Do you sense something new in the air?

Do you want to learn from your experiences in 2015?

Do you wish to use your gifts and talents in a more focused way?

Head over to Emily’s blog and print your copy of the Seven Questions. I would love to hear what you discover as you seek His heart for your next step. 2016 is just a couple of days away but I am….

Pausing before I leap into 2016,



The New Year Needs a New Journal or Planner:

8 thoughts on “2016 – How Can I Make it Better?

  1. Jeanne & Emily, As always, I ponder the past year. Thank you for your blog, Jeanne, thought provoking questions. I also copied down Emily’s questions…….
    I pray all these will be the catalyst for change and growth in my life. Love Mom

  2. I’m so glad you shared this practical tool for moving into the New Year with all us. I’m looking forward to it… I’ll be passing this along to others, I’m sure!

  3. Thank you for this Jeanne. The Treasure The Quiet Moments series made me pause so much more these holidays making them more purposeful and memorable. I look forward to doing the same for the year ahead.

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