A Shofar Sounds – A Call for Repentance
This season of Rosh Hashanah is followed by Yom Kippur. We hear the shofar sound for repentance.
I cry on behalf of our nation and our world. We are spiraling out of control — sin is gaining momentum. God’s heart grieves.
We look the other way and call it tolerance
We make excuses and call it ‘not that bad’
We call evil good and good, evil
We allow crimes because the offenders are powerful
We allow sin because we dare not shine the light
We long for strong leadership but have turned God away
Do We Settle for Good Enough instead of God’s Best?
Instead, we settle for leaders who are corrupt, lack morals, and have powerful agendas. And we choose them anyway because they promise us gain — a dangling carrot harboring poison… Meant to destroy, but we greedily gobble it up anyway.
We need to see God clearly; He alone can lift the blinders from our eyes to see the reality that baits us. He can reveal the dark forces that goad us toward destruction. He can show us His fortress that surrounds us — the strength of His might — the light of His goodness.
There’s a battle raging in the heavenly places where our true enemy stands. Share on XThere’s a battle raging in the heavenly places where our true enemy stands. Satan is the accuser, liar, and angel of light who is full of only evil. Our enemy isn’t of this world—though we often turn our sights on those around us. Satan’s tricks involve destruction, whether from within our without, he desires to keep our eyes blinded and to deny Jesus Christ.
There are no third party candidates here. We are either for God or against Him. Share on XThere are only two choices. There are no third party candidates here. We are either for God or against Him. This is the day to choose.
“Choose this day whom you will serve…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
God’s Call for Repentance
Please join me in praying for our country. This isn’t about political parties, it is about repentance of the heart.
You can read more about the shofar here
Avi Solomon offers shofars and other Jewish and Messianic products here.

Shofars are available from Amazon:
How true, Jeanne! I hate to say this, but the state of our nation and the world exists because we have underestimated our enemy. Satan is continually on the attack, leaving destruction in his wake. We tend to believe that we as believers and collectively as the church have no power against him.
Our Lord is all-powerful! If I call out to Him, if I follow Him, Satan cannot stand against God’s purpose. I’ve forgotten that and God convicts me to stand in His power. .
And yet God is in control, working and allowing all things according to His will and timing. We have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, living within us. Satan has no power over us. And we must be the salt and light that God gives to the world. We are His ambassadors. We are His ministers of reconciliation. And PRAISE is our greatest defense apart from the WORD of God.
Thanks for sharing your heart, Sherry. The shofar sounds and God is redeeming all to Himself
We are so easily blinded by the temporal that we forget our battles have been set in the spiritual realm.
Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Thank you for shining this light to expose the roots of the problem once again.
Thak you for your comment and joining the conversation. You are so right. And I believe this is one way the enemy distracts us from the real battles.