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More Than the Birds – He Is Watching Over You

more than the birds

How Much More Than The Birds?

More than the birds
Photo by Jeanne Doyon

While enjoying the approach of spring, I went out for a walk this week. The sun felt glorious. The clear blue sky held a promise of the improving weather. There was much more than the birds waking up and singing.

Along the side of the road I found a bird’s nest. It was so small I thought it might be a hummingbird nest. I am used to seeing the nests of robins and Phoebes which are pretty good size. This nest fit in the palm of my hand.

It turns out it wasn’t a hummingbird nest—more likely one for a sparrow. But, my interest remained as I held this tiny woven home in my hand.

It is amazing how each bird fashions its own nest using bits of tossed-away things they find on the ground: Leaves, sticks, bits of yarn, feathers and grasses woven and dobbed with mud. Some are fashioned in shrubs, others in the highest tree branches. And still others teeter on door jambs or under protective eaves.

It amazes me that each species of bird knows how and where to build their home. They have instinct to create their nest and in the case of the Phoebes, return to it each year. They are works of art designed by a Designer. A Designer who loves us even more than the birds.

more than the birdsThese seemingly fragile creatures create a home for their young and tenderly care for them until they are ready to fly. Though they seem fragile, I have seen them weather incredible storms and temperatures and come forth singing the next day.

God’s Word tells us that His eye is on the sparrow. Daily, He provides what they need. And, He promises to do this for us and those we love also.

God provides for us even more than the birds

He sees us. According to His word, we are worth even more than the sparrow. Yet, God’s care for His creatures attests to the magnitude of His love for His creation—and for you and me.

more than the birdsIs there someone in your life that needs to know they are seen by God?   [Tweet This]

…someone who needs watching over? Trust that God sees them. And that He loves them even more than you or I do.

His eye is on YOUR sparrow.   [Tweet This]


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There are many versions of the song, His Eye is on the Sparrow: Here is just one from The Newsboys

Baby birds and winter sparrow photos courtesy of

3 thoughts on “More Than the Birds – He Is Watching Over You”

  1. Janice Elaine Bergeron

    Yes, Jeanne, He does take care of us. I love to see what the birds are able to do………..keeping themselves safe, warm, dry, fed. We are His hands outstretched to help others…….even little boys from China. Love Mom

    1. Amen, Mom. I was thinking of how our children are like His sparrows. He watches over each one and meets their needs, draws them to shelter, etc. And, my new grandbaby from China is being watched over too. Even when they are out of our sight and reach, He is there.
      What an awesome God He is!!

  2. His eye is on my sparrows today. My son who is deployed. My precious daughter in love who is at home and faces high school students with gusto. My wonderful daughters who give of their love everyday to children they teach. My hubby who is my best friend and encourager….
    And, the newest member of our family: a toddler from China who needs a home.

    How is God watching over your chicks?

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