The Esther Drama – Chapter One

Esther Drama

The Esther Drama – Chapter One

Esther drama

The events in the first chapter of Esther set the stage for the story. The Esther Drama begins with the king. We discover his weakness of character as we see him go from displaying his pride, to being drunk, to raving mad, and then he is so impulsive that he banishes the queen for not showing up when he sends for her.

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A few things to glean in our Esther Drama:

The king is the son of Darius I and has come to the throne on the robe-tails of his father. Where Darius was a wise ruler and had faithful provinces and princes, Ahaseurus is spoiled and petulant. He is throwing this wild party lasting 180 days (six months) to gather support to invade Greece so he can add another victory to his realm. And, he is showing off his great wealth.

Banquets were drink-fests. And matters of state were always decided when drunk. Then the next morning when they were sober if they still sounded good, they became law.

It wasn’t enough for the king to show off his kingdom, he wanted to show off his beautiful queen too.

The problem: it wasn’t proper to mix men and women in that culture…not respectable women anyway. So, when Queen Vashti is sent for, she refuses to come. This creates a tirade of major proportions, and the king’s advisors warn him against letting this go unpunished. After all, their wives and the rest of the women in the land will follow suit because of her example. So he signs a decree to banish Vashti.

Esther DramaIt’s important to note that a decree or edict cannot be revoked. This becomes important later in our story.

All this drama creates the place for Esther.

So often it is the drama and the trauma that opens destiny’s door.  [Tweet This]

When we are tempted to think that nothing makes sense in our lives, and drama reigns, we can be assured that God sees it. We don’t often think of ourselves as important in God’s story. But Esther’s story is proof that we are.

Acts 17:26-27 tells us that we’re born in this time, in this place, for a purpose. We are no less strategic. God has put you where He wants you to be: The continent, the country, the state, the town and the decade you were born.

And your presence impacts your world in the same way that Esther’s did.  [Tweet This]

So, as you read Esther Chapter Two for next time, take note of the new characters in our story: Download your FREE printable page.


Haddassah (Esther)

Make a list of the traits you see that describe them. Then take note of things you discover in this chapter. And don’t forget to join the conversation in the comments below.

What have you discovered from the Esther Drama so far? What stands out to you? I look forward to your insights.

Today’s application:

How does knowing that God purposed for you to live at this time and in this place impact your thinking?


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Add some Drama to your enjoyment of Esther by watching, One Night with the King

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7 thoughts on “The Esther Drama – Chapter One

  1. A nugget always comes for worth when studying the book of Esther. I look forward to unearthing more treasures in this study. May your wisdom, guidance, and obedience to God bring blessings to all that participate in this unveiling of Esther.

    Teach on!

    1. Thanks for joining me, Carolyn! I love the book of Esther. I always find something new as I study. Better than reality TV or soap operas any day. Twists, turns, conflict, drama and TRUTH!

  2. As with many people who are constantly needing new things to fulfill their lives and showing off what they have or what they have done. The base reason is usually self worth. As with King Ahaseurus I believe he is looking for self edification and self preservation even protection. At this point he has been on the throne for three years. He is showing off what he has done and needs self validation. “Look what I have done in only 3 years and think of what I will do in the future.” The King needs security, and to clinch the deal Queen Vashti is the topping on the cake. The King surrounds himself with companions of like passions and desires. The King even takes counsel from them instead of taking time to contemplate himself on what is the right course of action. Makes you wonder what his child life was like for him to need such glorification; which has led him to be so prideful and selfish and domineering. I feel sorry for Queen Vashti and proud of her at the same time. She knew what the consequences of her disobedience would lead too and she refused still. I wonder what her relationship with the King was?? She must have known she was just a treasured property to the King and not a loving wife he adored to take such a leap.

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